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Lying cop caught on camera.

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Interesting, but he was arrested for failing to provide a specimen of breath, which is an arrestable offence.


Did you catch that the cop fabricated evidence ? Saying the guy had admitted having two drinks ? I'm sure that would render any charges null anyway.

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Did you catch that the cop fabricated evidence ? Saying the guy had admitted having two drinks ? I'm sure that would render any charges null anyway.


No it wouldn't. It is obvious that the copper mistook the word "tea" for "two". Do you genuinely believe that a person can't get away with committing a crime because an officer misheard a word?


I don't like the attitude of some of the coppers in the video. They seem a bit heavy handed right at the start but this guy was being a tool. A weasly little voice "but I'm on a public footpath officer" instead of complying.


This man was arrested for failing to provide a specimen. The copper saw him get out of his car (could even tell the guy what make of car he drove) and smelt alcohol on his breath. I would want the officer sacked if he did not ask they guy to provide a specimen.


I am generally (though not uniformly) anti-police. However, they did very little wrong in this case.


I hope megalithic loses it's job on account of stunted intellect and poor social skills.

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Interesting, but he was arrested for failing to provide a specimen of breath, which is an arrestable offence.


No its not./ police cant ask for a breath specimen just because they dont like you./ they have to have a reason ./ this officer should be sacked who does he think he is god. /You could see it in his face an out and out Bxxxxxx and the worst thing was the rest of them were prepared to back him. They should all be ashamed of themselfs. / Yes the cop was fabricating evidence what a horrible man and a liar NOT FIT TO WEAR THE UNIFORM SCRUBBER SPRINGS TO MIND

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No it wouldn't. It is obvious that the copper mistook the word "tea" for "two". Do you genuinely believe that a person can't get away with committing a crime because an officer misheard a word?


I don't like the attitude of some of the coppers in the video. They seem a bit heavy handed right at the start but this guy was being a tool. A weasly little voice "but I'm on a public footpath officer" instead of complying.


This man was arrested for failing to provide a specimen. The copper saw him get out of his car (could even tell the guy what make of car he drove) and smelt alcohol on his breath. I would want the officer sacked if he did not ask they guy to provide a specimen.


I am generally (though not uniformly) anti-police. However, they did very little wrong in this case.


I hope megalithic loses it's job on account of stunted intellect and poor social skills.


Haha, the officer plainly lied. Nice try though. :roll:

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No its not./ police cant ask for a breath specimen just because they dont like you./ they have to have a reason ./ this officer should be sacked who does he think he is god.


The reason was he smelt alcohol on the mans breath. This is just cause for a request to provide a specimen.


Haha, the officer plainly lied. Nice try though. :roll:



Nice try?? What am I trying to do? I generally dislike the police, it is highly unusual for me to stick up for them. Are you saying that it is not possible to confuse the words "tea" and "two"?


The police are able to arrest anyone with evidence supplied by themselves,this type of thing is not unknown,plebgate is a perfect example.


You do know that Andrew Mitchell wasn't ever arrested don't you? So far from Plebgate being a "perfect example", it is an awful example!

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