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What laws in the UK do you feel are wrong on moral grounds?

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Free drugs for only diagnosed addicts still leaves us with dealers and the problems that go with it. Ive read what you have put in your posts and dont agree with you im afraid.

Ive also explained myself in my posts.


I think its you thats failing to understand a simple concept whilst reading what you think i put rather than what i actually put.


I didnt say dealers would be able to sell drugs cheaper at all ! Dont know where you pulled that from.


What i actually said was that dealers would have to compete on price if legalised and taxed at a certain level, thus meaning that to maximise profits the quality would have to go down so the cutting with brick dust etc would increase.


Given that you likened dealers to sole traders im sure you have some business knowledge so know what i mean.


Id be more likely to make the comparison if they were paying tax .


I pulled it from your post above on the same page, an excerpt of which I shall provide.


"Legalisation would mean taxation and that would mean there was always a lower cost alternative which to be profitable would mean lower quality drugs and cutting with brick dust etc as a more likely event to compete on price, ive explained my beliefs on that too."


If you think that the "cutting with brick dust will increase", you presumably mean that quality will deteriorate, which is contrary to pretty much every experts opinion. Are there dealers near you constantly trying to sell you alcohol cheaper than Tesco as it is cut with something dangerous?


Whilst you have every right to your opinion, it flies in the face of all available evidence. It is like me saying "driving will drunk reduces the likelihood of accident and I care little for statistics that show otherwise".


Your posts seem to be littered with hyperbole.

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I think its you thats failing to understand a simple concept whilst reading what you think i put rather than what i actually put.


I didnt say dealers would be able to sell drugs cheaper at all ! Dont know where you pulled that from.


What i actually said was that dealers would have to compete on price if legalised and taxed at a certain level, thus meaning that to maximise profits the quality would have to go down so the cutting with brick dust etc would increase.


Given that you likened dealers to sole traders im sure you have some business knowledge so know what i mean.


Id be more likely to make the comparison if they were paying tax .


Who would they be dealing to?

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There are no booze dealers near me but i know they exist and yes its lower quality and cut with pure alcohol etc which is dangerous.


Do you not think these people exist? Remember the illegal vodka place in lincoln blowing up?


This lower quality stuff is sold in corner shops as counterfeit booze quite frequently.

Parading as the real stuff to maximise profits, another tactic im sure that would be employed if drugs went the same way.

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As taxation would be high as it always is then yes there would be a lower cost alternative produced at a lower quality to compete in that price market.


Why are you failing to grasp that?


Drugs are really cheap to produce. A vary high percentage of their cost is danger money ie, street value.

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As taxation would be high as it always is then yes there would be a lower cost alternative produced at a lower quality to compete in that price market.


Why are you failing to grasp that?



Because it hasn't shown itself to be true with any other drug other than cigarettes.


I am very interested in the current prohibition, partly because it would benefit me if it were to be rescinded, but also because I take an active interest in current affairs. I have read a lot about this situation and you are the only person I have ever heard say that quality will go down if prohibition ended.


I have heard multiple people from both sides of the argument state that purity of the product will increase. I have heard this many times.


You are not grasping the idea of economy of scale. Regardless of the tax paid, Tesco will still be able to buy it at a cheaper price than me. Therefore, they will be able to sell it cheaper than me.


Dealers will move away from drugs and find something else to sell. Making something restricted or illegal drives the black market up, not down.

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Who would they be dealing to?


They would be dealing to the non registered addicts who it has been suggested would get theirs for free under the utopia put forward on here.


Has anyone on here got figures on the number of people successfully weaned of heroin with methadone?

Would the success rate be any higher with free drugs? I doubt it.


---------- Post added 06-02-2014 at 15:24 ----------


Drugs are really cheap to produce. A vary high percentage of their cost is danger money ie, street value.


It would still be cheaper to buy on the street so the street value as you put it would still apply.


---------- Post added 06-02-2014 at 15:34 ----------


Because it hasn't shown itself to be true with any other drug other than cigarettes.



So other counterfeit drugs dont exist? Of course they do




I am very interested in the current prohibition, partly because it would benefit me if it were to be rescinded, but also because I take an active interest in current affairs. I have read a lot about this situation and you are the only person I have ever heard say that quality will go down if prohibition ended.

I have heard multiple people from both sides of the argument state that purity of the product will increase. I have heard this many times.




maybe they didnt take the inevitable taxation into account?




You are not grasping the idea of economy of scale. Regardless of the tax paid, Tesco will still be able to buy it at a cheaper price than me. Therefore, they will be able to sell it cheaper than me.




As weve just said, there is lower quality and counterfeit alcohol out there at a lower price than tescos, would drugs not follow the same pattern?





Dealers will move away from drugs and find something else to sell. Making something restricted or illegal drives the black market up, not down.


When theres profit to be made and when they are already making money they will find ways to carry on business. Either at a lower price and quality or via the counterfeit route, things for the man on the street who doesnt use will change very little if at all.

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When theres profit to be made and when they are already making money they will find ways to carry on business. Either at a lower price and quality or via the counterfeit route, things for the man on the street who doesnt use will change very little if at all.



Oh ok you are right. All those black marketers selling butter during and after WW2 are still doing a roaring trade aren't they. As are the bootleggers in America!


Oh and the counterfeit trade is massive. Who remembers the last time they purchased some real milk from Tesco. Like you I get all my shopping from men in the street. Don't tell anyone though, don't want them to get in on the idea!


On a less sarcastic note, whilst the trade for illegal drug supply will not drop off completely, it will be tiny in comparison to what it is now. I have been to Amsterdam 10 times, I have never bought weed from a street dealer there. neither has anyone I have ever been with (easily cumulative over 50).

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They would be dealing to the non registered addicts who it has been suggested would get theirs for free under the utopia put forward on here.


Why would a user choose to pay for a lower quality product when he/she can get 100% pure heroin for free?


Has anyone on here got figures on the number of people successfully weaned of heroin with methadone?

Would the success rate be any higher with free drugs? I doubt it.


Do some research, methadone is more addictive than heroin.


It would still be cheaper to buy on the street so the street value as you put it would still apply.


How would it be cheaper on the streets? Dealers would be forced into selling less for a higher price, as mentioned before, economy of scale. The mass market would now be totally legal and controlled.


---------- Post added 06-02-2014 at 15:48 ----------


things for the man on the street who doesnt use will change very little if at all.


You're wrong, but regardless, things for the user and the people who are forced into making and smuggling the drugs will change in a BIG way.

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No one died from a low quality butter overdose!


And bootleg alcohol is still available yes.


The counterfeit trade is massive yes.


Maybe Amsterdam are a little less greedy with the tax on it than this country would be?

It would be legislated and controlled which would cost money as well as the tax imposed being at a level where the street deals were still attractive.


Amsterdam knows that drug tourists are a part of their economy so wont rock the boat too much,The same as the sex industry in Thailand.

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