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What laws in the UK do you feel are wrong on moral grounds?

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What law makes alternative medicine illegal? Or to tell the truth illegal?


Re the illegality of some non-mainstream health treatments


two examples for you





You can google for more.


It is illegal to tell the truth in the UK at times in some situations.




If your comments although true may break some other laws. You may be prosecuted for breaking those laws, although it is the telling of the truth that is being punished and discouraged.


Even disputing accepted data can even with actula proof or evidence may under some circumstances be prosecuted.


I can not give you good examples of this as I do not want to be prosecuted.

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Re the illegality of some non-mainstream health treatments


two examples for you





You can google for more.


It is illegal to tell the truth in the UK at times in some situations.




If your comments although true may break some other laws. You may be prosecuted for breaking those laws, although it is the telling of the truth that is being punished and discouraged.


Even disputing accepted data can even with actula proof or evidence may under some circumstances be prosecuted.


I can not give you good examples of this as I do not want to be prosecuted.


I couldn't find any mention of any specific alt med in the first link and the second was about the claim that cannabis oil can cure cancer.

For the record, you can legally state that >insert cure of your choice< cures cancer, so long as you can prove it. If you can't prove then how do you know?



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I couldn't find any mention of any specific alt med in the first link and the second was about the claim that cannabis oil can cure cancer.

For the record, you can legally state that >insert cure of your choice< cures cancer, so long as you can prove it. If you can't prove then how do you know?




The link was to a general one about alt medicines. It is illegal I'm told in a herbalist that it is illegal in a lot of case to state which herbal medicines are for what and what doses should be used.


The link to the use of cannabis as a cure, that link was to an alleged cancer cure there are many other illnesses diseases etc that cannabis may be beneficial for but, the state wont let us use it.


Loads more like that.


As for being convicted for telling the truth I forgot to include; and / or lose your job. The whole business of what you can and can't say without offending someone even when true has become ridiculous IMHO. The ridicule of it all is progressed when legislation is also involved.

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It's illegal to make unproven medical claims for herbal 'remedies' I would think.


Have you actually given any examples of what truth can't be told, or are you too worried about the police kicking down the door? PM them to me if it's the latter, I promise I won't tell the fuzz.

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The link was to a general one about alt medicines. It is illegal I'm told in a herbalist that it is illegal in a lot of case to state which herbal medicines are for what and what doses should be used.


The link to the use of cannabis as a cure, that link was to an alleged cancer cure there are many other illnesses diseases etc that cannabis may be beneficial for but, the state wont let us use it.


Loads more like that.


As for being convicted for telling the truth I forgot to include; and / or lose your job. The whole business of what you can and can't say without offending someone even when true has become ridiculous IMHO. The ridicule of it all is progressed when legislation is also involved.

Poppycock. The alt med industry could quite easily fund a few RCTs to demonstrate the effectiveness of their remedies. They don't because they don't work, and they know it.


Their is also oodles of research being carried out into the use of various cannabinoids to treat a variety of conditions. The problem isn't that the research is not being carried out but rather that any treatments which are developed out of it don't involve sitting on the couch smoking a spliff.





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Poppycock. The alt med industry could quite easily fund a few RCTs to demonstrate the effectiveness of their remedies. They don't because they don't work, and they know it.


Their is also oodles of research being carried out into the use of various cannabinoids to treat a variety of conditions. The problem isn't that the research is not being carried out but rather that any treatments which are developed out of it don't involve sitting on the couch smoking a spliff.








The big pharmas have too tight a hold and far too much influence to allow themselvs to be usrurped in any way at any level. And they have sufficient control, financial weight and political clout to ensure that they can continue to stifle all threats to their virtual monopoly.


I think we shall just have to agree to differ.

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