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What laws in the UK do you feel are wrong on moral grounds?

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Why? they get help now and the drugs are illegal.


That's fine when a minority of people ignore all the advice and the law and become addicted to heroin or whatever. It's wise to assume that if everything is legal the stigma will lift and thousands, maybe millions of the curious will start using. Again that's fine, but if there is a massive increase in people expecting the non using majority to pay for them to be cleaned up there will be anger.


The NHS is over burdened as it is, adding vast numbers of addicts will only drag it down. In fact it would only add to the propaganda of those who want the NHS abolished or fully privatised. One branch of libertarianism would lead to another.

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That's fine when a minority of people ignore all the advice and the law and become addicted to heroin or whatever. It's wise to assume that if everything is legal the stigma will lift and thousands, maybe millions of the curious will start using. Again that's fine, but if there is a massive increase in people expecting the non using majority to pay for them to be cleaned up there will be anger.


The NHS is over burdened as it is, adding vast numbers of addicts will only drag it down. In fact it would only add to the propaganda of those who want the NHS abolished or fully privatised. One branch of libertarianism would lead to another.


Lol. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the only thing preventing hoards of people injecting heroin is the fact it's against the law.



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What do you think does stop most people from doing it? Genuine question.....


Depends on the drug but for heroin I guess it's its highly addictive nature, the belief that you'll end up dead with a needle in your arm and something offensive up your bottom together with the social stigma of being a smack head.


A better question would be, why do people take heroin in the first place?



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Lol. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the only thing preventing hoards of people injecting heroin is the fact it's against the law.




Really? I remember my recent youth and student days. Everyone popped a few E's, most dabbled in cannabis until their mid twenties. I knew some wanted to take their experimentation further but knowing those drugs were in a different class legally and in terms of their effects did not. They were also harder to obtain. I can imagine the same types of people today saying to each other "well its legal now, it must have been proved that its not that bad, all the junkies must have been on bad stuff. I'm going to try it, you can get treatment for it for free anyway so what's the problem?"


Regardless of the rights or wrongs, there is no way middle England, the main constituency in this country is going to tolerate their taxes paying for massive drug treatment clinics. They begrudgingly tolerate a few fools falling through the cracks, not mass consumption.

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That's fine when a minority of people ignore all the advice and the law and become addicted to heroin or whatever. It's wise to assume that if everything is legal the stigma will lift and thousands, maybe millions of the curious will start using. Again that's fine, but if there is a massive increase in people expecting the non using majority to pay for them to be cleaned up there will be anger.


The NHS is over burdened as it is, adding vast numbers of addicts will only drag it down. In fact it would only add to the propaganda of those who want the NHS abolished or fully privatised. One branch of libertarianism would lead to another.


HaHa........I was expecting a serious answer!


Lifting the stigma will do the opposite and encourage people too seek help with their addiction.

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HaHa........I was expecting a serious answer!


Lifting the stigma will do the opposite and encourage people too seek help with their addiction.


I like the way I do present a serious answer and you reply with ha ha. OK then, what's good about the legalisation of all drugs and why should the non taking masses pay for treatment? How do you know lifting the stigma will have only one effect?


Do you see yourself as a libertarian? An ultra right winger?

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Really? I remember my recent youth and student days. Everyone popped a few E's, most dabbled in cannabis until their mid twenties. I knew some wanted to take their experimentation further but knowing those drugs were in a different class legally and in terms of their effects did not. They were also harder to obtain. I can imagine the same types of people today saying to each other "well its legal now, it must have been proved that its not that bad, all the junkies must have been on bad stuff. I'm going to try it, you can get treatment for it for free anyway so what's the problem?"


Regardless of the rights or wrongs, there is no way middle England, the main constituency in this country is going to tolerate their taxes paying for massive drug treatment clinics. They begrudgingly tolerate a few fools falling through the cracks, not mass consumption.


Oh dear..........


How much does keeping drugs off the street cost the tax payer? Millions.....Billions?


Wouldn't that money be better spent by increasing the budget for rehabilitation? It would certainly reduce costs, not increase them as you think.


And why do people think that legalising all drugs would mean selling them in shops to any Tom, Dick or Harry? Yes, things like cannabis and the odd pills would probably be sold, or magic mushrooms, but Heroin would have to be controlled and sold by pharmacies or something similar. Plus the drug wouldn't be cut with crap like brick dust, like it often is on the street.


Lives would be saved, money would be saved, real advice would be given from trained medical professionals who are not interested in profit.


It's a no brainer!


---------- Post added 05-02-2014 at 11:36 ----------


what's good about the legalisation of all drugs and why should the non taking masses pay for treatment?

See my other post.


How do you know lifting the stigma will have only one effect

Look at the results other countries have had by lifting prohibition.


Do you see yourself as a libertarian? An ultra right winger?
What has this got to do with you or this subject?
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