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Fracking and gas costs

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Well the government has finally admitted that the price of gas will not drop due to fracking bringing in oots more gas, now im all for fracking if it brings down prices, bit if not then whats the point, or is it just because they want more incone and we get no benefit from it!?

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Overall, if the cost of gas went down significantly, we'd all use a lot more because we are in general naturally lazy and wasteful - not good for the environment.


If we don't have fracking, how much will the cost of gas go up using our existing supply routes (based on rises in the last few decades)? If fracking helps to slow that gradual increase down then aren't we all winners?


Finally, even if the money went into government, isn't the role of government to spend that money on us? Are you so naive that you think they put it in their back pockets and buy more ivory back scratchers?

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Well the government has finally admitted that the price of gas will not drop due to fracking bringing in oots more gas, now im all for fracking if it brings down prices, bit if not then whats the point, or is it just because they want more incone and we get no benefit from it!?


I would prefer them to leave it were it is, even if it was given to us for free.

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Overall, if the cost of gas went down significantly, we'd all use a lot more because we are in general naturally lazy and wasteful - not good for the environment.


Im neither lazy or wasteful i'd use more because i'm cold and can't afford the heating on apart from at night.

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People in Government and on the Climate Chane Committee have been saying this for ages but then some buffoon comes along and compares us with the US or Cameron comes on the TV and talks about cutting bills and suddenly people think it's the panacea for all our woes.


Time to nail the lie about fracking leading to price reductions.

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Well the government has finally admitted that the price of gas will not drop due to fracking bringing in oots more gas, now im all for fracking if it brings down prices, bit if not then whats the point, or is it just because they want more incone and we get no benefit from it!?


Thank you for your post, I'd heard this on the BBC news a couple of months ago and wanted to bring it to peoples attention but didn't know the bloke's name (High up in the industry) I can almost Quote him word for word - Don't think that this will lead to the price reductions they have in the USA because it's different here. No they will wreck our country and sell the gas to the highest bidder.

Before I allowed Fracking I want some reassurances i.e. it's not sold abroad, we get a reduction on our bills.

I'm not going to hold my breath, I remember "North Sea Gas" they were going to give it away. but they/the powers that be, found out that they could sell it to other countries so our bills remained the same.

We get the Hassel - They get the Gas

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