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Valve Soundsystem last night


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Anyone else go? Not a fan of dnb but mate won us free entry so went anyway. Absolutely loved it and was well impressed with the system. Could hear the bass a couple of streets away when we were walking to the Octagon.


Next time they give me ear plugs I might wanna use them though..

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I'll second that! I had a wicket time! The fact that around 600 people cued up for a good hour or 2 in the freezing cold for only 300 tickets says a lot! The only criticism i have is that the octagon only has one toilet!!!

A big thanks to all the tuesday club guys for another blinder.

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You lucky, lucky people! Was really wanting to go to this but couldn't 'cause I'm stuck with a bad knee. Hope it was as good as it looked.


Bet the soundsystem was out of this world, as I've heard from other valve events.

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I was desperate to go and even had blessing of my 5 months pregnant Missus cuz she knew how special it was to me.


Got into town at 7.30 to meet the usuals but my mate had forgotten our tickets.:rant:


Really really couldn't afford touted tickets so spent the night in the pub drowning my sorrows.


Does anyone know if there's a return event planned in the near future?

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