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Fisherman Adrift 16 Months!!

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I,ve just been looking at the photo of that chappie from Equadour who according to him has been adrift in a fibre glass boat for over a year!.He looks remarkably fit and well to my jaundiced eye,he survived on catching fish and turtles with his bare hands!.Drinking his own urine and turtle blood,I think someone is telling porkies,I suppose it will all come to light after he has wrote a best seller and Hollywood has made the film of his epic journey!. Then years down the line he,ll confess to be a lying little tinker,what do you reckon?.:suspect::roll::huh:

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I think officials think he's lying, I dunno...how can you just turn up at the other end of the world though? I wouldn't have thought that a Mexican fisherman could afford a flight that far.


He certainly didn't look very skinny, actually he looked pretty...not chubby, but y'know. He must have caught a lot of turtles or have had a massive stash of biscuits.


My instincts tell me that this story will pop up again in a few months time and they'll have found out he was trying to sneak into America or something.

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