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Housing shortage

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Because there are countless threads on SF about it (often started by chem1st, an expert on the topic).


Yes it has. Can you not just merge it with one of Chemists meanderings?



So we should just forget about it?


What are UKIP's plans for dealing with the issue?


No we should not just forget about it. We should use the search function on the left of the page to see if the topic we would like to discuss already has a thread.

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http://www.ukip.org/issues/policy-pages/social-housing says this:


Council house applicants whose parents or grandparents were born locally should be given priority on waiting lists, according to a new policy from the UK Independence Party.


Andrew Charalambous, UKIP's housing spokesman, said the proposal would strengthen local communities, particularly in London, because many people are being encouraged to move out to obtain cheaper housing.


This problem, he claimed, has been exacerbated by influxes of immigrants, some of whom apply for social housing.


"With the 2011 census showing almost three million people or 36.7% of London's population are foreign-born, making London the city with the second largest immigrant population after New York City, it is likely that the inflow of migrants has been a massive factor in the overcrowding of the city's social housing.


"It is imperative that the issue is tackled. We need to see more social housing made available and priority given to British families and those who have contributed to the system over a number of years."


Ukip said Camden council figures show that of the borough's 22,817 tenants, about 8,000 describe themselves as British while some 6,000 say they are foreign nationals. The remainder declined to define themselves.


---------- Post added 06-02-2014 at 17:48 ----------


Yes it has. Can you not just merge it with one of Chemists meanderings?

No- as I've posted on the thread as a member, I'm debarred from moderating the thread. House Rules, you see.

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http://www.ukip.org/issues/policy-pages/social-housing says this:


Council house applicants whose parents or grandparents were born locally should be given priority on waiting lists, according to a new policy from the UK Independence Party.


Andrew Charalambous, UKIP's housing spokesman, said the proposal would strengthen local communities, particularly in London, because many people are being encouraged to move out to obtain cheaper housing.


This problem, he claimed, has been exacerbated by influxes of immigrants, some of whom apply for social housing.


"With the 2011 census showing almost three million people or 36.7% of London's population are foreign-born, making London the city with the second largest immigrant population after New York City, it is likely that the inflow of migrants has been a massive factor in the overcrowding of the city's social housing.


"It is imperative that the issue is tackled. We need to see more social housing made available and priority given to British families and those who have contributed to the system over a number of years."


Ukip said Camden council figures show that of the borough's 22,817 tenants, about 8,000 describe themselves as British while some 6,000 say they are foreign nationals. The remainder declined to define themselves.


---------- Post added 06-02-2014 at 17:48 ----------


No- as I've posted on the thread as a member, I'm debarred from moderating the thread. House Rules, you see.


At least they have something. What if there are no local properties of the right size available? Would the 'local' have to pay the bedroom tax?


How many houses are UKIP proposing to build?

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