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How long does it take for a doggy poo plastic bag to decompose?

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Does anyone know the answer to this? because in my opinion this has to be the most stupid idea I've ever come accross, no other animal has to poop scoop (cats don't and they are pets) and birds, they plop where they like.


But a dog has to have its poo placed into a plastic bag and put in the bin, surely this has to be the most stupid idea every from an environmental point of view?


The dog poops and the poo decomposes in about 7 days, however the plastic bag takes about 1000 years to decompose.


So in effect if a dog had pooped in Encliffe Park in 1066, King Harold took his dog for a walk before the battle of Hastings and the dog pooped near a bush. The plastic bag would still have another 42 years to decompose and think about the amount of dogs theres been since that time 1345, year 1477, year 1699 etc....


Do you think this madness of pooper scooping will end ?

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most dog owners who scoop their poop, invariably drop the bag further along their walk. when i come back in the next life, i will let you know via a medium how all those discarded bags are getting on. however, if you collect the poop in a tesco biodegradable carrier, you will be rewarded with a dramatic change in a couple of years or so. i put thousands of electronic components into hundreds of small snaapy type bags which i then put into a tesco carrier and put in the spare room. a couple of years later i went to get something, and on lifting the tesco bag up, it disintegrated into a thousand flakes leaving me to separate my little bags of components from the debris. not funny!

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People who pick up their dogs poo, put it in a bag, then drop it somewhere should be charged under transportation of hazardous waste legislation. At least without it's protective bag it will wash away in a day or so, especially with the weather at the moment, but in a bag it sits festering for ages.

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By law all dog waste needs to go for incineration, so whether the bag biodegrades is neither here nor there unless you're composting them yourself.


Is this an old law?


So a person would be breaking the law to put their bags anywhere else, apart from the poop-bin.

Why not change the law and have combined litter/poop-bins?

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most dog owners who scoop their poop, invariably drop the bag further along their walk. when i come back in the next life, i will let you know via a medium how all those discarded bags are getting on. however, if you collect the poop in a tesco biodegradable carrier, you will be rewarded with a dramatic change in a couple of years or so. i put thousands of electronic components into hundreds of small snaapy type bags which i then put into a tesco carrier and put in the spare room. a couple of years later i went to get something, and on lifting the tesco bag up, it disintegrated into a thousand flakes leaving me to separate my little bags of components from the debris. not funny!


Most dog owners? Where do you get this information from?


In my experience most dog owners dispose of dog poop responsibly by putting it in a bin or taking it home to dispose of. I'm not aware of little plastic bags of dog poop left lying around in the environment.

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