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Male Pattern Baldness. You?

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Totally appreciate that, but as I say it doesn't explain the dramatic increase. It really is quite noticeable how many more youngish men have this problem ( if it is a problem ) than used to in my youth.


In the 60s or 70s it was very unusual to meet a youngish guy who was follically challenged.

It would have been very noticeable at that time because long hair for men was in fashion.


The good news for Rampent and his fellow sufferers is that according to my wife and daughters plus several other female friends, it makes no difference to them finding a man attractive.

As I have a full head of silvery hair they weren't being kind, just stating a fact. :D


I'm just puzzled as to why this change has come about.


Maybe the apparent increase that you have noticed is due to the fact more and more people with the condition have accepted it and don't try to hide it.

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Maybe the apparent increase that you have noticed is due to the fact more and more people with the condition have accepted it and don't try to hide it.


Thought of that, no definitely not. As I said the hair styles back then were worn long, it wouldn't have been possible to disguise it. I played a lot of sport as well, Running about a wet windy football pitch wouldn't allow for successful coverups, ask Bobby Charlton. :)


And thinking of football, bald footballers were relatively rare also. Bobby and Jack Charlton, Ralph Coates, Billy Punton, Jim Iley and now I'm struggling.


definitely on the increase, but no idea as to why.


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 17:49 ----------


I think MPB is made worse by a unhealthy lifestyle, perhaps this is the cause?


Well certainly not in the case of my cousins. They all play sport on a regular basis, Hurling in summer, Rugby in winter, and the only one of three brothers that has it has never smoked or drank in his life!


As I say, it's a mystery. :)

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Well certainly not in the case of my cousins. They all play sport on a regular basis, Hurling in summer, Rugby in winter, and the only one of three brothers that has it has never smoked or drank in his life!


As I say, it's a mystery. :)


Myself and my brother are both baldies, he went very much balder than myself and sooner.

I am the one that has run marathons, and my hair faired better. Just two people, but that is my experience.

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Myself and my brother are both baldies, he went very much balder than myself and sooner.

I am the one that has run marathons, and my hair faired better. Just two people, but that is my experience.


Didn't work that way with my relations, of three brothers the only one suffering MPB is at least as fit if not more so than his two brothers. He takes his sport a little more seriously than the other two and is the local Hurling team captain.


Also the only one that has never smoked or drank.


Maybe that's where he went wrong! :D

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You know what they say Ramps a bold head and a hairy chest is a sign of virility.. if that's true I'll be looking for a women with a bold head and a hairy chest from now on..:hihi:


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 20:34 ----------


Hereditary conditions aren't always passed down to the next generation, and mutated genes can remain dormant for generations. One child might suffer from an heredity condition whilst other children remain unaffected, but the unaffected children can pass the gene to their children.


I've got a full head of dark hair no grey and I am in my late fifties.my Dad was the same even in his seventies his hair was thick and dark,my Son is in his mid thirties and his hair is bald and grey just like the wife's brothers..

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You know what they say Ramps a bold head and a hairy chest is a sign of virility.. if that's true I'll be looking for a women with a bold head and a hairy chest from now on..:hihi:


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 20:34 ----------



I've got a full head of dark hair no grey and I am in my late fifties.my Dad was the same even in his seventies his hair was thick and dark,my Son is in his mid thirties and his hair is bald and grey just like the wife's brothers..


I was told that where hair retention was concerned your mothers genes dominate.

True in my case as both my father and his elder brother were bald but my mother had three brothers and whilst two were bald the one I physically and facially resemble had a full head of hair when he died.


My brother in law is one of three brothers, all bald, their father and his identical twin brother had full heads of bushy wavy hair into their nineties!


So youngsters if you're worried check out your maternal uncles. :)

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