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Scottish Referendum

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The Scots will not vote for independence, for some reason which I can never quite work out they simply don't have it in them to stand on their own feet.


The only thing that might swing them toward a yes vote would be some jumped up upper class English toff preaching at them as though they can't be left to sort it out themselves.


Cameron needs to keep out of it. There will be no need to redesign the flag.


I agree. They'll sort it out one way or another.

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Not his job, he is the PM.


If he, being the highest person in public office, can't be bothered about keeping the Union together then we may as well all go our separate ways.


Not his job :hihi:


I can imagine Churchill telling the field marshal in WW2 'its nowt to do with me, I got some other bloke to take care of this lot' :hihi:


Does he want them to stay British or not ?


If he does he should pull his thumb out and get his hands dirty.


In fairness, why would he ? With Scotland gone, that's about 50 less labour MPs.

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Personally, they say there is more obesty in Scotland


For that reason I'd vote to stay in the UK


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 16:43 ----------


Where is Scotland?


I know its in Europe, is it one of those Eastern Blog countries?

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There's a point I hadn't actually though of. England, Scotland and Wales are all in Britain so therefore technically the Scots would still be British.


It's the United Kingdom which would be effected, although apparently they want to keep the Queen, how does that work?


Anyway, presumably if they did vote yes everyone would need a new passport?


The current British passport refers to Great Britain which, despite what some people think, is purely a geographic term which includes all three countries on the island.


Take one away it is no longer applicable.


Doesn't bother me ,I've got an Irish passport but it's going to cost my wife and daughters a few bob.


Hold on, I've got three mates in Glasgow I need to give em a ring!

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Cameron is a coward, getting us lot to do his job. He should be up there convincing the Scotts himself if he wants them to stay British.


If they leave us the history books will show what a spineless no good useless buffoon he is.



When there's more Pandas in Scotland than tory mps, can you blame him for staying away?:D


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 18:46 ----------


Better still, why don't he encourage us all to go north of the border and register as residents and therefore getting the right to vote in this referendum. That would annoy em, lots of English flood north and gatecrashing their party.


Well there are 400,000 of us Englanders up here already.

And 800,000 scots down south.


Soapy Salmond hates us English...

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If I was a scot never having to ever be ruled by the Conservatives again would play a big part in my decision. Labour would probably hang around like a bad smell up there for a while until a genuinely Scottish-focused opposition emerged.


I'm not too keen on the Scots as a people but I wish them well on this.

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Personally, they say there is more obesty in Scotland


For that reason I'd vote to stay in the UK


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 16:43 ----------


Where is Scotland?


I know its in Europe, is it one of those Eastern Blog countries?


Mr Salmond wants to adopt the Scandinavian model. That's all he ever harps on about.

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