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Scottish Referendum

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What you've gotta remember is if Scotland vote yes they will then leave with over 50 labour seats ;)


Labour would never again regain power in the UK and we would be left with a system of re-electing a Tory government from now until kingdom come.

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Samond has spent several years able to use rhetoric, supposition, perception and blind faith to support the idea of independence, but now things are actually being discussed and decided on, many of those original statements are falling apart.


The mans a fool, he thought he could pull the wool over everyones eyes and lie, bluff and cheat his way to victory - but people see him for the slimey, useless git he really is.


It's a shame that such an important part of Scottish history is in the hands of such an incompetent moron.

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The mans a fool, he thought he could pull the wool over everyones eyes and lie, bluff and cheat his way to victory - but people see him for the slimey, useless git he really is.


It's a shame that such an important part of Scottish history is in the hands of such an incompetent moron.


He's Scottish and almost 60 years old. He doesn't have much time left in any case.


---------- Post added 20-02-2014 at 15:27 ----------


Actually they would.


If the 1997 or 2001 (I think) election results came in then Labour would still govern.


Give me a sec I'll check the data and come back to you on that one.

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I suppose you are assuming that all Westminster politicians are wanting Scotland to stay in the UK. Just which of Cameron's interests would be served by Scotland voting no?


You think they are actually smart enough to be playing a double bluff?


Have you seen these clowns in action at Question Time?


We are not talking Niccolo Machiavelli here. More Coco the Clown. :)

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You think they are actually smart enough to be playing a double bluff?


Have you seen these clowns in action at Question Time?


We are not talking Niccolo Machiavelli here. More Coco the Clown. :)


I imagine he has better qualifications than you do........


At Heatherdown Preparatory School due to good academic grades, Cameron entered its top academic class almost two years early.

Cameron passed 12 O-Levels and then studied three A-Levels in History of Art, History and Economics with Politics. He obtained three 'A' grades and a '1' grade in the Scholarship Level exam in Economics and Politics. The following autumn he passed the entrance exam for the University of Oxford, where he was offered an exhibition.

His tutor, Professor Vernon Bogdanor, described him as "one of the ablest" students he has taught, with "moderate and sensible Conservative" political views. Guy Spier, who shared tutorials with him, remembers him as an outstanding student; "We were doing our best to grasp basic economic concepts. David - there was nobody else who came even close. He would be integrating them with the way the British political system is put together. He could have lectured me on it, and I would have sat there and taken notes.."


Cameron graduated in 1988 with a first-class honours degree (MA)

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