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Scottish Referendum

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You don't have any trees! Salmond had them felled to make way for wind turbines that the British taxpayers subsidies.


It more than likely won't happen, its a pipe dream. If it does they will have to reap what they sow.

They still will be giving us the oil ect that they keep going on about, but their economy will be in such a state they will be practically giving it us.


I see Goldleaf just keeps trying to turn the question on us and why we still want them, like a child that takes their ball and wants the other kids to state how important they are because they have a ball. We will just go and get our own ball, but they will be left watching us play from the kerb side, all alone.


Goldleaf try answering some of the more important questions that I have put to you and stop harping on about 'why we want you all'.

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Its NOT about like!!!!!! Its about being told what to do! Having no voice! that's THE WAY IT IS NOW! .... I say frog you jump! ...... If Scotland said to an English person ....I say frog you jump ... they would say FU** OFF!


Ok..Let me ask you this.


If the European union agreed to Scotland becoming a member if they get independence, would you prefer being ruled by them, or stay in the union?

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Not one person has said why England are trying so hard to keep hold of Scotland!!!! ANYONE! Please answer!!!!


---------- Post added 08-02-2014 at 01:40 ----------


Ok..Let me ask you this.


If the European union agreed to Scotland becoming a member if they get independence, would you prefer being ruled by them, or stay in the union?


Answer this ........... Not one person has said why England are trying so hard to keep hold of Scotland!!!! ANYONE! Please answer!!!!

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Not one person has said why England are trying so hard to keep hold of Scotland!!!! ANYONE! Please answer!!!!


---------- Post added 08-02-2014 at 01:40 ----------



Answer this ........... Not one person has said why England are trying so hard to keep hold of Scotland!!!! ANYONE! Please answer!!!!


We need the scotch, the oil and somewhere to keep our nuclear subs. We don't want them near us if they go bang. The queen might have to sell balmoral. But mostly we want to **** Alex salmond off.

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All I hear is BLA, BLA ,BLA... No answer to my question!


He just gave you one, now you give some.


Your going to have a big shock mi laddo if they do vote Yes aren't you ?


I think we will have a large exudes into England if you get a Yes, there may not be enough of you to pull off this miraculous economic turnaround your expecting.

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