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Am I blowing this out of proportion?

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My other half and I share the bills and each week he gives me his half, over the last few weeks he's paid but not all and this has ended up rolling over week to week


Tonight he gave me his half as normal but when I mentioned that there was also the £25 outstanding he tried saying he didn't owe it! Now this or something like it has happened before but this time I had wrote it down in his diary so had proof.


He moaned about it but then moved on from the subject, he gave me his half of the bills but took £6 out of it for buying toilet rolls! (He surely plans on using them and there not just for me) and then accepts £10 from me to pick up milk, bread etc before going to the pub.


I'm slightly annoyed but am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?

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So he just gives you the money and you sort everything out? If so, there's part of your problem right there. Stop acting like his Mother and make him take some responsibility for half the bills!


If you're worried that leaving him with this kind of job will result in unpaid bills and serious lack of funds then he needs a good kick up the backside and some basic money management lessons, or he'll just keep seeing you as the nagging partner who does him out of beer money!

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I do deal with all the money issues but mainly because I've always done it and I pay everything online.


I guess I do act like his mother in some ways :( even though he's 15yrs older than me!


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 21:18 ----------


I don't have to nag him for the money as he always pays most of it every week but he's not paid some of it before so I started writing it down in his diary

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We've never had joint accounts and with my previous partner we never had joint accounts.


As for joint funds pooling together that's what we have when we both put our half in, we both get paid weekly so it works better paying everything weekly

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