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Am I blowing this out of proportion?

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I do' date=' we go halves on rent, council tax, gas & elec I cover most of the rest of bills[/quote']


There lies the rub then, not much of a partnership if you're head to foot in Armani while he's in Primani, I'm guessing this kind of imbalance would drive a wedge between you both unless you're prepared to team up.

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Going 50-50 doesn't even seen fair to me..if you split things then shouldn't it be done on a pro-rata sort of deal..for example if he earns twice as much as you then he should pay 2/3rds of costs and you a third..if you see what I mean..


Surely the potential earning power of men and women being equal a 50:50 split is fair for all.


To the OP

The Mrs and I have 2 joint accounts, one for food and household items & one for all bills. We each pay in an equal amount at the start of the month and it's all covered. What's left is ours to spend or invest as we want.


If he wants to spend all his on beer and not bills then he shouldn't be surprised to find it cold sleeping rough. Tell him to stop being a loser or get rid of him, he's taking the Mick.

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I only earn about £50 more than he does and he has the cash to go drinking most days where as I go out on a Saturday night every other week so we're not exactly Armani & Primarni


£50 per week doesn't sound like an insignificant amount of money to me, it would upgrade my quality of life without a doubt but I guess that's all just relative.


It sounds like you need to have a cards on the table talk with your bloke to me, no one on here can know what's going on in your relationship. It may well be that your reaching the end of the road, lets face it you guys haven't exactly committed 100% anyway by the sounds of it.

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It might be just me, but me and my other half just chuck it all together, pay everything, and just plod on. It sounds sloppy, but it works.;)


It's not sloppy that's how it should be and that's how we have always done it from day one.No problems my wife deals with it all ,i am so lucky .:)

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