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Scumbags in McDonalds

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Exactly four minutes


Would that not depend on the size of the mug/cup?


---------- Post added 07-02-2014 at 23:20 ----------


Exactly four minutes


Would that not depend on the size of the mug/cup?

And how much water is used?

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In before "Why would anybody eat at McDonalds anyway".


In a Doncaster McDonalds earlier, I witnessed a grown man...perfectly respectable looking, he takes his cup of PG Tips from the staff at the counter, proceeds to lift the teabag out right there and then, and just dumps it on the counter in front of the till.


What causes people to behave like this?


If this was the USA you would just shoot him!

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I know. :hihi:


---------- Post added 08-02-2014 at 00:30 ----------


In the places that I frequent, I'd expect it making properly and bringing to me.


Paper cup, plastic lid, bag in, pint of tea. No thanks.


I was gonna say, you get what you pay for. I personally have never bought a hot drink of any kind from McDonalds. In fact, the last cup of iced tea I bought there I ended up pouring out on the side of the road. They had made tea in the coffee pot without washing it first. Yum.

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If this was the USA you would just shoot him!


LOL. I do love what you said. :hihi:

I never knew how much I liked my tea until I went to a really fancy hotel for work, and they used Lipton tea, AND they don't give me any milk ! Sacrilege.


That compared to this lovely Pret in Stansted Airport which I used to adore, cos they make the most perfect builder's tea. When you are pushed to work and fly at godly hours, a cuppa hot tea is really really God's Given Luxury. :love: It really makes you feel so human again knowing that someone took the upmost care even in a simple cup of tea for you. I love that manager. I do.

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Maybe he was angry that his tea still had the bag in it. I would have been too.


How long does it take to make a cup of tea properly?


I'd be annoyed to not still have the bag in there. I like my tea strong, and like to choose myself when to take the bag out, not rely on a random person who (usually in various cafes I've been to) presents me with a cup of slightly brown water and milk.

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Not to condone this sort of behaviour but if I was handed a cup of tea that looks like a tampon hanging out of it I'd be tempted to give it them back as well. Can't they actually make the damn thing properly? They don't chuck me the components of a Big Mac and expect me to assemble it myself.


Some people like their tea strong some people have it weak, leaving the teabag in gives the customer the control.

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I'd be annoyed to not still have the bag in there. I like my tea strong, and like to choose myself when to take the bag out, not rely on a random person who (usually in various cafes I've been to) presents me with a cup of slightly brown water and milk.


I would be annoyed having any sort of bag in a cup. Tea served should be in a pot with a jug of hot water to top up as you please.


With the prices some of these cafes and restaurants have the nerve to charge for tea they should at the very least be seving it properly. Bag in a cup for £2.50 / £3.50 and even I have seen as much as £5.00 is just taking the michael.

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