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Scumbags in McDonalds

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But those constraints are there for LEGAL reasons. Governing bodies do random spot checks, including asking for items/services that would mean contravening those constraints. If then the business does so, hello prosecution.


If I ran a catering outlet, I wouldn't risk prosecution because of one mardy customer wanting hot water in a teapot when I'm not allowed to...


Well, it sounds like you are the legal expert. I do not have much to say any more. Thanks for being so informative. A lot of people could offer hot or warm milk for these mummies who happen to frequent their cafe or restaurant as an alternative. I just realised something, customer service skills are so not overrated these days.

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But those constraints are there for LEGAL reasons. Governing bodies do random spot checks, including asking for items/services that would mean contravening those constraints. If then the business does so, hello prosecution.


If I ran a catering outlet, I wouldn't risk prosecution because of one mardy customer wanting hot water in a teapot when I'm not allowed to.


It has nothing to do with being helpful/respectful. In fact as you mention respect, if a business says it can't comply with your request due to legal/contractual constraints then you should respect that.


As for the capped hot drinks in offices, not limited to US offices, I have to do the same in the office I work in. Better prevent a burn/scold than treat one.


As for moms and feeding their kids, all the ones I know go out with pre-prepared bottles which is the sensible thing to do as most catering outlets have bottle warmers.


The baby milk that my wife and I used stated that the milk shouldn't be kept for more than four hours after you made it. So we used to take a pre measured amount of powdered milk in a container, with some of prepared water in the baby's bottle. We then asked for a small amount of hot water to pour in the bottle to warm it.


Nobody ever said no to our request.

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As for moms and feeding their kids, all the ones I know go out with pre-prepared bottles which is the sensible thing to do as most catering outlets have bottle warmers.


Actually, the really sensible thing (which a lot of mothers do) is not to bother with all this industrial-scale germ warfare, making up half strength or double strength bottles beforehand and having to rely on the co-operation of cafe assistants.


It's simple and convenient and it's called breastfeeding :)

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Actually, the really sensible thing (which a lot of mothers do) is not to bother with all this industrial-scale germ warfare, making up half strength or double strength bottles beforehand and having to rely on the co-operation of cafe assistants.


It's simple and convenient and it's called breastfeeding :)


Yawwwn :rolleyes:

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Actually, the really sensible thing (which a lot of mothers do) is not to bother with all this industrial-scale germ warfare, making up half strength or double strength bottles beforehand and having to rely on the co-operation of cafe assistants.


It's simple and convenient and it's called breastfeeding :)


Unfortunately not everyone can breastfeed. So they have to risk the industrial-scale germ warfare, making up half strength or double strength bottles beforehand and having to rely on the co-operation of cafe assistants, as well as having to explain themselves all the time.

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Unfortunately not everyone can breastfeed. So they have to risk the industrial-scale germ warfare, making up half strength or double strength bottles beforehand and having to rely on the co-operation of cafe assistants, as well as having to explain themselves all the time.


So true JFK :)

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In before "Why would anybody eat at McDonalds anyway".


In a Doncaster McDonalds earlier, I witnessed a grown man...perfectly respectable looking, he takes his cup of PG Tips from the staff at the counter, proceeds to lift the teabag out right there and then, and just dumps it on the counter in front of the till.


What causes people to behave like this?[/QUOTE]


Did you ask him that? Or were you more concerned about the well being of your teeth. One of those peoplel who reserve their wrath for the keyboard no doubt

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but they put milk in before they take the teabag out, ruins it. I wont buy tea anywhere that doesn't know how to serve it. McDonalds are lucky he paid & didn't cause a fuss about such poor service.


---------- Post added 10-02-2014 at 23:58 ----------


Lots of restaurants and cafe's supply hot water with a tea bag if you order green tea or something similar.


Green tea is brewed at a lower temperature to black tea. Needs to be as close to boiling as possible when black tea is brewed for a good cup of tea.


I know it's too much to expect even basic care to be taken if you order a cup of tea in McDonalds, but still, he paid for a cup of tea, not hot water with a tea bag floating in it. They charge as much as some cafes that can make a basic cup of tea.


The customer isn't the scumbag here. They're treating him like scum, so he might as well act like it & give the staff more work than they avoided by not making his tea correctly. They have proper machines for making coffee, apparently as far as fast food coffee in a paper cup goes it's not bad. Tea drinkers get treated as scum, expected to make their own after they've paid £1 or more for a bit of hot water & a cheap nasty teabag that cost them under a penny.

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