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Scumbags in McDonalds

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Did you ask him that? Or were you more concerned about the well being of your teeth. One of those peoplel who reserve their wrath for the keyboard no doubt


Wow what happened to you in your childhood that made you so angry?


If you can find someone who will cuddle you without you having paying for it I'd suggest that you snap it up :thumbsup:

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Wow what happened to you in your childhood that made you so angry?


If you can find someone who will cuddle you without you having paying for it I'd suggest that you snap it up :thumbsup:


I'm laid back dude. You're the angry one getting all upset because of some slob in the Golden Arches. So much so that you even had to start a thread on the subject. :hihi:


God knows what you'd do if the neighbour's cat crapped on your lawn

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I'm laid back dude. You're the angry one getting all upset because of some slob in the Golden Arches. So much so that you even had to start a thread on the subject. :hihi:


God knows what you'd do if the neighbour's cat crapped on your lawn


I disagree. Forums like this are exactly the place to express opinions and seek those of others. Super Hans doesn't come across as furious, merely irritated and a tad disgusted, as anyone civilised would be in the situation he describes. The use of 'scumbag' is probably OTT, but there again, like many slang words, it has different 'strengths' in different contexts.


And actually, the teabag-dumping man is surely the equivalent of the neighbour's cat...both need training to leave their waste in a more appropriate place!

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I disagree. Forums like this are exactly the place to express opinions and seek those of others. Super Hans doesn't come across as furious, merely irritated and a tad disgusted, as anyone civilised would be in the situation he describes. The use of 'scumbag' is probably OTT, but there again, like many slang words, it has different 'strengths' in different contexts.


And actually, the teabag-dumping man is surely the equivalent of the neighbour's cat...both need training to leave their waste in a more appropriate place!


Well in a less democratic society, say some kind of Communist one, he would be sent off to a camp as a person with anti-sociall tendencies and undergone a reorientation program. However in this case he's a person with a slob mentality living in a free society.

That's why I asked Hans why he didnt say something to express his disgust. He missed the opportune moment to make that person aware of his behaviour and instead went home to start a thread about it. Fat lot of good that will do the person. He'll probably do the same thing next time he's at McDs


You cant train a cat where to leave it's droppings if it's a cat that's allowed outdoors. The cat across the road was a regular depositor. No good getting upset and causing bad feeling with the neighbour. I generally just spray the lawn area where it happened with Raid ant killer. It wont harm the grass, nor the cat and it works quite well since Raid must smell awful to a cat

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However in this case he's a person with a slob mentality living in a free society.

That's why I asked Hans why he didnt say something to express his disgust. He missed the opportune moment to make that person aware of his behaviour and instead went home to start a thread about it. Fat lot of good that will do the person. He'll probably do the same thing next time he's at McDs

For all we know the 'slob' (which I agree, is what he sounds like, although we may both be wriong) may have had learning difficulties and genuinely have been confused as to what to do with the teabag. OP may have considered that ''expressing his disgust' or lecturing the man on appropriate behaviour at the time was not appropriate. Unless we can know the full context, saying nothing is probably the more civilised thing to do. Whatever the reason for someone behaving like that, how likely do you think it is that they would be full of contrition and agree to change, simply because some randomer has sounded off at them in McDonalds? About zero, I'd say. So it would be pointless.

You cant train a cat where to leave it's droppings if it's a cat that's allowed outdoors. The cat across the road was a regular depositor. No good getting upset and causing bad feeling with the neighbour. I generally just spray the lawn area where it happened with Raid ant killer. It wont harm the grass, nor the cat and it works quite well since Raid must smell awful to a cat
So you trained it not to do its business in your garden, proving it is possible after all.
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Actually, the really sensible thing (which a lot of mothers do) is not to bother with all this industrial-scale germ warfare, making up half strength or double strength bottles beforehand and having to rely on the co-operation of cafe assistants.


It's simple and convenient and it's called breastfeeding :)


Correct! My Mrs used to whip them out all the time. When baby want's feeding, baby want's feeding!


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 00:04 ----------


In before "Why would anybody eat at McDonalds anyway".


In a Doncaster McDonalds earlier, I witnessed a grown man...perfectly respectable looking, he takes his cup of PG Tips from the staff at the counter, proceeds to lift the teabag out right there and then, and just dumps it on the counter in front of the till.


What causes people to behave like this?


You wouldn't get such behavior in The Ritz! What do you expect to see in a McD's?

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For all we know the 'slob' (which I agree, is what he sounds like, although we may both be wriong) may have had learning difficulties and genuinely have been confused as to what to do with the teabag. OP may have considered that ''expressing his disgust' or lecturing the man on appropriate behaviour at the time was not appropriate. Unless we can know the full context, saying nothing is probably the more civilised thing to do. Whatever the reason for someone behaving like that, how likely do you think it is that they would be full of contrition and agree to change, simply because some randomer has sounded off at them in McDonalds? About zero, I'd say. So it would be pointless.

So you trained it not to do its business in your garden, proving it is possible after all.


In our societies you cant change people like that but at least you can give them the messsage eeve if it's a lost cause

McDonalds is the kind of place people like him frequent anyway. On the few occasions I've been forced to eat in one of their outlets people drop things on the floor and leave them, sometimes dont empty their trays into the trash containers, leave spilled soda drinks on the tables. That's why one of the duities of an employee is to clean down the tables after them


If you're looking for elegance in dining you wont find it there

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But it is the remit of the business to comply with all it's legal and contractual obligations. If that means you can't have a pot of hot water then so be it.


There is no legislation that says businesses cannot provide hot water to customers.





So if a cafe/restaurant refuses, and cites H&S, they're not telling the truth. Ask them what the real reason is. It's probably their own convenience.

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