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Scumbags in McDonalds

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There is no legislation that says businesses cannot provide hot water to customers.





So if a cafe/restaurant refuses, and cites H&S, they're not telling the truth. Ask them what the real reason is. It's probably their own convenience.


Health and Safety isn't just the application of legislation, but what an organisation believes is correct to protect itself, it's employees and it's customers. An example of this in the public eye would be the ban by FIFA on players wearing jewellery round the neck whilst playing.


There is nothing in EU or UK legislation banning such jewellery, but FIFA ban it to protect the health and safeguard the safety of players.


I used to work in a McDonalds when I was younger. We were banned by the franchisee from giving out cups of hot water. This was his decision and not that of head office. He made it because he risked being sued if the hot water was spilt by someone. If I remember correctly he wasn't insured against such eventuality because "Hot Water" is not part of the menu the restaurant offered.

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In our societies you cant change people like that but at least you can give them the messsage eeve if it's a lost cause
:loopy:What is the point of giving them the message if it is a lost cause and you do not believe their behaviour can be changed?


McDonalds is the kind of place people like him frequent anyway. On the few occasions I've been forced to eat in one of their outlets
You're being ridiculous. Nobody is ever forced to eat in MacDungballs.


people drop things on the floor and leave them, sometimes dont empty their trays into the trash containers, leave spilled soda drinks on the tables. That's why one of the duities of an employee is to clean down the tables after them
Well, if Macdonalds treat their customers like pigs at a trough, they can hardly be surprised if the customers behave accordingly.


If you're looking for elegance in dining you wont find it there
But Super Hans wasn't looking for elegance, simply basic manners.
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