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Why do people keep using the big six?

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Why do so many people continue to use the big six power companies for their gas and electricity when they could switch to smaller companies who don't make obscene profits? I recently switched to Ecotricity because I'm fed up with paying British Gas large amounts so they can pay shareholders and award their top people massive salaries. There is also the Utility Warehouse and several others I'm sure who don't profiteer from our utilities. If more people abandoned them, they might even bring down their prices.

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Why do so many people continue to use the big six power companies for their gas and electricity when they could switch to smaller companies who don't make obscene profits? I recently switched to Ecotricity because I'm fed up with paying British Gas large amounts so they can pay shareholders and award their top people massive salaries. There is also the Utility Warehouse and several others I'm sure who don't profiteer from our utilities. If more people abandoned them, they might even bring down their prices.


where do i find more information about these cheaper companies

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where do i find more information about these cheaper companies


The easiest way is to put your current usage into Uswitch and see what comes up. Don't ignore companies just because you've never heard of them.


I've always stuck to the big six in the past, but last autumn I switched to First



So far, everything is good. I'm about £300 better off than I would have been with Scottish Power.

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I've always stuck to the big six in the past, but last autumn I switched to First



So far, everything is good. I'm about £300 better off than I would have been with Scottish Power.


I changed to First Utility, then I moved house, now its chaos.


I cannot log onto their web site and give a reading or change of address. So I just cancelled my direct debit, and see if that wakes them up.

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The easiest way is to put your current usage into Uswitch and see what comes up. Don't ignore companies just because you've never heard of them.


I've always stuck to the big six in the past, but last autumn I switched to First



So far, everything is good. I'm about £300 better off than I would have been with Scottish Power.


I never use them, they are a dangerous thing and your information will be sold to the highest bidder. Why don't power generators just publish their price per therm or watt? The answer is because they try and make you dependant on their crummy company. Away with the dual fuel discount rubbish and all that malarky. Just tell me how much they charge and then let me decide

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I never use them, they are a dangerous thing and your information will be sold to the highest bidder. Why don't power generators just publish their price per therm or watt? The answer is because they try and make you dependant on their crummy company. Away with the dual fuel discount rubbish and all that malarky. Just tell me how much they charge and then let me decide


But that depends on a myriad of factors. The amount of usage, the timing of the usage, the days in the week you use it, your payment method, the number of lights you have, the number of pets you have, the colour of your hair, the month your mother was born in, a random dice roll and the number of types of pasta you own.

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On the lunch time news today, it mentioned that a government watchdog is monitoring the pricing of the big 6 and a possibility of recommendation on breaking up the company could be on the cards. I did not even know that the government can do this kind of action to businesses. It makes sense though to keep inline with the free market rule of competitive pricing. I am also one of these people who noticed her bills have escalated sky high and is really starting to affect my earning power too. It is so crazy.


I thought that the utility industry has its own share market type setup and that companies can bid for set lumps of energy to buy ? I cannot remember where I read this information. Utilities are definitely a commodity.

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But that depends on a myriad of factors. The amount of usage, the timing of the usage, the days in the week you use it, your payment method, the number of lights you have, the number of pets you have, the colour of your hair, the month your mother was born in, a random dice roll and the number of types of pasta you own.


That's right it does, but what I'm saying is it shouldn't.

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