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Extinct creature found alive in bath WITH proof!

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Well … if you're like me and have been following the riveting threads on here about sightings of such fantastical creatures as the goat, the black panther (or whatever), and the Peregrine Falcon, you'll have been slightly disappointed that such stories have not been backed up by photographic evidence, therefore lacking, in my mind anyway ... ANY credibility whatsoever.


I however, have a sighting of a creature so hideous to behold that only corroborative photographic evidence could convince you, dear reader, of it's existence … what can only be described as … an Eryops!


Firstly, let me cast your mind back to 1938, just off the coast of South Africa. It was there where fishermen discovered a living Coelacanth … a fish hitherto only found as a fossil, and thought to have become extinct in the Devonian period, 360 million years (ish) ago!


What I discovered is not quite that old, the Eryops coming from the Late Carboniferous period (Early Permian), a mere 295 million years ago, making the chances of finding a living one a lot more likely in my estimation (as a palaeontologist), than that of the fish thing.


There it was … just staring at me in the bath, it's frog-like eyes just braking the surface of the bath water! It didn't make a noise … just sat by the plughole (from where I presume it lives in the U-bend) and stared at me!


As you can imagine, the fact that I was actually in the bath at the time of the sighting frightened me not insubstantially, turning the bathwater slightly yellow in the process. Fortunately, I had my camera at the ready, and was able to take this picture (unlike panther or goat sighting people).


As you can see, just like any other photographs of unexplained sightings, the picture isn't of fantastic quality … that's why I've also provided this detailed, anatomically correct, drawing of the creature.

It's eyes seem to be on stalks, and it would appear to have some form of elementary gills to either side. The mouth wasn't entirely clear due to shampoo pollution and light refraction, but I've made it up as honestly as possible.


All this makes sense … the Eryops was the first creature to leave the warm (bath like temperature) Early Permian seas, develop lungs and legs, and live on the land. Where else better would an Eryops live, what with the temperate climate of the lounge not more than a mere ten yards away?


Anyway, that's my sighting ... with proof!


Anyone else seen an Eryops in their bath, or for that matter, any other totally extinct creature living anywhere in their house? Pictures please! ...

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Well … if you're like me and have been following the riveting threads on here about sightings of such fantastical creatures as the goat, the black panther (or whatever), and the Peregrine Falcon, you'll have been slightly disappointed that such stories have not been backed up by photographic evidence, therefore lacking, in my mind anyway ... ANY credibility whatsoever.


I however, have a sighting of a creature so hideous to behold that only corroborative photographic evidence could convince you, dear reader, of it's existence … what can only be described as … an Eryops!


Firstly, let me cast your mind back to 1938, just off the coast of South Africa. It was there where fishermen discovered a living Coelacanth … a fish hitherto only found as a fossil, and thought to have become extinct in the Devonian period, 360 million years (ish) ago!


What I discovered is not quite that old, the Eryops coming from the Late Carboniferous period (Early Permian), a mere 295 million years ago, making the chances of finding a living one a lot more likely in my estimation (as a palaeontologist), than that of the fish thing.


There it was … just staring at me in the bath, it's frog-like eyes just braking the surface of the bath water! It didn't make a noise … just sat by the plughole (from where I presume it lives in the U-bend) and stared at me!


As you can imagine, the fact that I was actually in the bath at the time of the sighting frightened me not insubstantially, turning the bathwater slightly yellow in the process. Fortunately, I had my camera at the ready, and was able to take this picture (unlike panther or goat sighting people).


As you can see, just like any other photographs of unexplained sightings, the picture isn't of fantastic quality … that's why I've also provided this detailed, anatomically correct, drawing of the creature.

It's eyes seem to be on stalks, and it would appear to have some form of elementary gills to either side. The mouth wasn't entirely clear due to shampoo pollution and light refraction, but I've made it up as honestly as possible.


All this makes sense … the Eryops was the first creature to leave the warm (bath like temperature) Early Permian seas, develop lungs and legs, and live on the land. Where else better would an Eryops live, what with the temperate climate of the lounge not more than a mere ten yards away?


Anyway, that's my sighting ... with proof!


Anyone else seen an Eryops in their bath, or for that matter, any other totally extinct creature living anywhere in their house? Pictures please! ...



Seems like you're just trying to find an excuse for not using the toilet,


you'll be telling us yellow snow is natural next.

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