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Bringing medications into hospital

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I find this rather surprising. I have taken controlled drugs in many times and never had a problem, despite it being one the RHH don't prescribe themselves. If you have the original prescription, the packet with the label on and are conversant enough to explain the dosages etc I can't see why they would confiscate them (as in not give them back to take home, whenever that may be!)

I agree , it doesn't happen very often , but occasionally we have patients that have drugs the hospital doesn't have in stock , so we use their own until our pharmacy gets them from somewhere else. Even if that means another Hospital. It shouldn't stop the patient getting their meds. I think this is so important especially if it is medications for palliative care. What does it matter if it is a drug the hospital doesn't normally use ,at the end of the day , the patients well being comes first.

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I'm with the dead presidents on this one - as a nurse myself......... you have started a number of threads that go against your code of conduct and your employer's social media policy. You need to get this stuff off your chest in supervision not here.

Totally agree with this.

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I find this rather surprising. I have taken controlled drugs in many times and never had a problem, despite it being one the RHH don't prescribe themselves. If you have the original prescription, the packet with the label on and are conversant enough to explain the dosages etc I can't see why they would confiscate them (as in not give them back to take home, whenever that may be!)


I was told that this was because the palliative care service had prescribed the drugs and they didn't pool notes with the rest of the hospitals, and the drug that was a particular issue was methadone.


I take a paltry 2.5mg twice a day, which I doubled as the pain relief after my hysterectomy in stead of the morphine they wished me to take, but I was told that the pharmacy don't stock it and refused to get it in for me, and I couldn't take my own pills because it's a controlled drug therefore I couldn't keep it with me, and because they don't stock it they couldn't keep it on their drugs trolley or CD cupboard either.

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What a load of absolute rubbish . All I asked is if people are asked not to bring their meds in . How is that breaching my code of conduct , pray tell . I agree I was near the knuckle in the past , but this is totally innocent. So get off your high horse .


You carry on.

It's your life, your career ......

I hope not to read a thread sometime soon about disciplinary procedures.

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