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Big toe fusion surgery

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Yes, I've had it done.

It's now been almost five years since.

Can't remember any swelling.

Remember being on crutches for a while.

I tend to walk with my weight on the side of the foot (if that makes sense) because the big toe no longer bends.

Running is nigh on impossible.

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you must of been one of the lucky ones if you didn't get an swelling, mine tends to swell at night especially when the heating is on and it lasts 2-3 hours before it goes down . How often did you use ice packs for during the day? Also how long was it before you could start walking on your foot again?

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you must of been one of the lucky ones if you didn't get an swelling, mine tends to swell at night especially when the heating is on and it lasts 2-3 hours before it goes down . How often did you use ice packs for during the day? Also how long was it before you could start walking on your foot again?

Ice packs?

I don't recall ever using them.

It was a case of rest with foot raised on the sofa whenever possible.

If memory serves me right, I was walking by the fifth week....just gentle walks.


Now, five years on, I spend most of my days out walking the dog.

Some days we are out for hours on end walking the Welsh mountain trails.

Looking forward to the return of summer.

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Has anyone had bunion surgery at Jordanthorpe medical centre? if so how did you find the treatment, and how did you manage afterwards?

I can't see how you're having bunions done at a medical centre, it's actually quite a major procedure. I had my right foot done 4 years ago at the Northern General, then a year later my left foot at the Thornbury hospital at Fulwood (Via the NHS), You can't have both feet done at once.

They make an incision approx 4" along your instep from your big toe and another one between your big toe and the second toe. They then break the big toe joint and reset with metal pins.

Although I was out of hospital the next day, it was 8 weeks before the bandages came off and I could attempt to walk again.

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First right foot done it was fused no screws although a little numb it's been great for 7years .

Had left for done at thorn berry all work done is no good now big toe bent in again no screws not fused I had stitches almost half way down inside of foot

Wished it had been fused like the other.

Was told it was a new way of doing op what a mistake but too late now

Very wary of going back again

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