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Why did Time Team only dig Sheffield once?


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With Sheffield having a very long history, with it's site dating back to pre-Roman times and it's early settlements being Anglo-Saxon (Sheffield = Escafeld) by the rivers Sheaf & Don, why didn't Time Team visit us more than once in 20yrs?


We had just their one visit, in March 2004, which was, of course, a Special about "Steel City's" industrial past.



But why was nothing dug around our huge Sheffield castle, which existed from the 12th to the 17th centuries and whose foundations still exist? Or even any digs around the Cathedral or Templeborough areas for much earlier archaeology?


Is it simply a permission issue? Or because not much 'evidence' has been found in those areas previously by many other local digs?


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good question. When I used to walk the dog on Wincobank hill there was an old battered sign saying it was a sight of special interest or something. I think it was an iron age fort or something. Wonder if the signs still there (it was over 25 years ago)

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Darra, this might help answer your question in turn! These good people, Friends of Wincobank Hill, look after the site.




We have plenty of interesting history here in Sheff?

thanks. We do I used to belong to the Hunter archaeological society when I lived in Sheffield. Many years ago (20+) there was an outside broadcast van parked up there with a small caravan transmitting the snooker. I used to stand and watch the snooker for a while until it got to cold or too windy or both.:)

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i'm glad the time team dont dig sheffield. i'm fed up with bristol accented prats desecrating ancient sites for cheap television and getting excited when they find a piece of broken crockery. angry wives have been breaking crockery for centuries and no other blokes over that time have got excited.... just a headache.

what the time team did at sea henge was unforgiveable and dampened my interest in the programme.

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