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News - flood/storm coverage

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Flood defence measures have to create a saving of £8 per £1 they spend. as only 40 houses are flooded in the Somerset levels, I kind of see why they didn't dredge the rivers.


In the 2007 floods, 23,000 homes were flooded in Yorkshire


Further evidence of a North/South divide?


It might be my memory playng tricks with me, but I didn't get the sense in 2007 that the BBC national news devoted this much air time to the flooding that we experienced.

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Someone on the BBC this morning said that people converting their front gardens to driveways was partly to blame.


No doubt it is one of number of things that have contributed to it. Cutting down trees, hedgerows, bushes etc, building houses, and roads, generally concreting over places, low lying land, and a few weeks of sustained and torrential rain will also have contributed.


The study of drainage systems and bifurcation ratios was one of the interesting things we studied in Geography.

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After watching BBC news tonight, there was very little examination of the facts.

Channel 4 new was excellent, asking about climate change and budget cuts. They talked to Greenpeace, local people and MPs, excellent. I learned that the probable cause is that the jet stream is 30% stronger than normal. I would have liked to see them talking about spending on flood and climate change measures. Well done channel 4


One day last week Friday IMS, the nice lass who does weather on BBC gave a detailed run down on the weather saying the gulf stream so so much stronger this year; so really BBC lead the way & others catch up.

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Further evidence of a North/South divide?


It might be my memory playng tricks with me, but I didn't get the sense in 2007 that the BBC national news devoted this much air time to the flooding that we experienced.


of course not, commuterland wasnt affected. Its only news when its in london

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