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News - flood/storm coverage

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Is it just me being an uncaring harsh person or are other people getting sick of this being covered for hours on end by the news channels THEN having to go over the same on the evening news???


no, not just you. i watch bbc news 24 almost every day. it is sad especially during the night when the news feed seems to be on a loop and playing the same stuff over and over again. even during the daytime there is precious little actual footage of events. when they invite viewers to send in pictures, hardly any get shown. all we see is politicians and royal prats doing a 2 minute photoshoot to make it look as if they are up to their knees in it along with the people. we dont need to see presenters on location speaking, we want to see what they are talking about. surely not too much to ask for £145 licence fee?

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What would our pensioners and flood victims do with this overseas aid money. yet there are some on here who're quite happy to send money to the likes of South Africa, a country lavishly rich in Platinum, gold, diamonds and awash with mineral resources. Why the hell are we sending aid to Russia?


The figures below total nearly £15 Billion


Haiti £1,400,000,000

Hamas £351,000,000

Pakistan £2,000,000,000

Libya £1,450,000,000

Egypt £397,000,000

Mexico £622,000,000

Russia £380,000,000

Jordan £463,000,000

Kenya £816,000,000

Sudan £870,000,000

Nigeria £456,000,000

Uganda £451,000,000

Congo £359,000,000

Ethiopia £981,000,000

South Africa £566,000,000

Senegal £698,000,000

Mozambique £404,000,000

Zambia £331,000,000

Kazakhstan £304,000,000

Iraq £1,080,000,000

Tanzania £554,000,000

Total £14,933,000,000 Yes that's nearly £15 Billion folks even without India.

Doesn't it make you feel good to see how generous you all are?


---------- Post added 17-02-2014 at 16:19 ----------


How India squanders British aid: We give £1.4bn to a country that has its own space programme. In this damning investigation, the Mail reveals how it's scandalously wasted. Article By Sue Reid


At the Rolls-Royce showroom, behind imposing iron gates off dusty Ashoka Road, the chief salesman is pleased with his latest sale of a £600,000 Phantom to a billionaire Delhi businessman.


Thirty-five Phantoms, the biggest and most expensive Rolls-Royce, have been bought in India already in 2011. By the end of the year, another 35 will be sold to Indian tycoons and Bollywood film stars.


‘There’s always someone here with enough cash to buy a Rolls-Royce, even though the import tax doubles the price,’ the sharp-suited salesman says with pride.


Yes folks aren't you proud for being so generous? £1.4 Billion phew.:loopy:

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I see that whilst Disasterous Dave Cameron is kissing babies in flooded areas he's also putting 1,700 Environment Agency workers on the dole http://metro.co.uk/2014/02/17/david-cameron-i-will-visit-every-flood-hit-area-in-britain-4307982/


i admire his restraint.

there are some 12,000 environment agency people. i think we could easily manage with half this number or less. they dont seem to do much other than unneccessary admin work and chasing ordinary people for minor environmental infringements so they can dish out fines.

if they spent less time refusing to prepare for potential environmental disasters (that ordinary people warn them about) and more tiime getting on with putting disaster prevention in place, then the impact of the current flood situation would have been much reduced.

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i admire his restraint.

there are some 12,000 environment agency people. i think we could easily manage with half this number or less. they dont seem to do much other than unneccessary admin work and chasing ordinary people for minor environmental infringements so they can dish out fines.

if they spent less time refusing to prepare for potential environmental disasters (that ordinary people warn them about) and more tiime getting on with putting disaster prevention in place, then the impact of the current flood situation would have been much reduced.


Such a naive post :roll:

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Interesting article from Paul Hudson about the coverage.


Number of properties affected in Somerset - 40 = blanket coverage

Southern England as a whole - 800-900 properties

Coastal surge last December in Yorkshire - 688 properties = hardly a mention

2007 Yorkshire & Humber - 23,479 properties flooded.


But hey, it gives both Politicians and journalists an excuse for a photo op or report from somewhere with a strategically placed flooded area behind them, even if they've had to travel miles to find it.



Thanks youth.


That link and précis is appreciated.

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