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What a wonderful sight!

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[/color]Just been reading up on these birds, some still do migrate, some as far as Mexico. They can live up to 25 years and can travel up to 1000 miles in 24 hours. They don't use navigation as such, they use landmarks to make their journey. In 1950s they were becoming extinct. They stay with the same partner all through their life. How amazing they are!! I know they can be a pain with their mess and for the farmers but for me , it was still a wonderful sight.


I wish people were like that. :)

Were they becoming extinct because of pollution ? 1950s to now. I calculated that is 64 years ago ! Woah. :hihi: I think it was last year, when I read an article about pandas. When I was at school, they say that the pandas will become extinct, but now they are thriving and has a colony. It happened in 25 years.

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Thank you for sharing. I am happy that you saw that. I can share the sentiments when last year I saw some exotic parrots through my bedroom window in Windsor. It is just so exotic and so out of the ordinary.


Now I am wondering, what has Hillsborough pond got that makes them come back each year? It is quite marvellous when you think about it.


The forecaster is right, I saw snow this morning.

Hi salsafan,the exotic parrots you saw were green parakeets they have been breeding quite successfully all over the south of England for years now!.Either some escaped or were released deliberately,they have been spotted working their way north on numerous occasions so they may become a common sight in our neck of the woods sometime in the future.You will know when they do because they are very noisy screeching birds!.

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Hi salsafan,the exotic parrots you saw were green parakeets they have been breeding quite successfully all over the south of England for years now!.Either some escaped or were released deliberately,they have been spotted working their way north on numerous occasions so they may become a common sight in our neck of the woods sometime in the future.You will know when they do because they are very noisy screeching birds!.


My landlord said that it was one of the local celebrity's parrot in that area and some love story behind that. :hihi: I was pleasantly surprised, and it did make me feel like I was in some tropical garden. I will wait and see if they will come and visit me in my garden. :)

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I would love to see Parakeets in our garden. Imagine the colours that would be seen to brighten up even the dullest of days. Roll on the time when they come further north.


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 10:52 ----------


I wish people were like that. :)

Were they becoming extinct because of pollution ? 1950s to now. I calculated that is 64 years ago ! Woah. :hihi: I think it was last year, when I read an article about pandas. When I was at school, they say that the pandas will become extinct, but now they are thriving and has a colony. It happened in 25 years.


No Salsafan, the decline in numbers wasn't due to pollution, it was according to Wickipedia, over hunting and loss of habitat until someone spotted a small group of them in Minnesota and a breeding program was started.

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