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Regional prejudices

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An unexplainable hatred of all things Cockney? It's not hatred it's just they are soooo miserable


A presumption that a Brummie will be a bit thick? Not heard that one


A weary sigh when you encounter a Scouser as you anticipate their 'wit'? More getting me pocket picked, or stabbed


Yorkshire people are stubborn gob****es? I thought we were supposed to be tight


What are your regional prejudices?


With the Brummies it's the accent that gets me, I hate it, sorry but it grates.


Epic don't worry love, it's just us being friendly

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Never met a witty scouser, the accent just grates on me.

With cockneys it is the sense that I can't trust at least 60% of what I'm being told,- not necessarily malicious, just avin a larf in Oy.


Love brummies though, and welsh, great friendly accents.

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