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Sign the petition

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get on the daily mail website and sign the online petition to get the govt to divert its massive foreign aid money pot, to help the people who are being affected by the floods down south,


No thanks.


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 06:36 ----------


Yeah I want life saving drugs taken out of the mouths of starving Africans to make sure southerners can keep their Range Rovers protected.


They have insurance, those in the third world don't. We are their insurance, without us, they die.


David Cameron has already said there is an unlimited pot of money for those affected by the floods...what the **** more do you want?


We'll said. This Daily Mail / UKIP campaign is nonsense, based in the idea that there must be a choice between sorting out the problems with he floods and providing aid.


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 06:37 ----------


I never said it was, I was just stating a fact.


is it the fault of the people of somerset that their homes have been flooded, no! Was it sheffields people fault that Sheffield flooded,no! im talking about the current flooding in this country. unfortunately im unable to undo all the wrongs in the world we live in world.


We'll you can start by ignoring the idiotic demands of the Daily Mail.

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Yeah I want life saving drugs taken out of the mouths of starving Africans to make sure southerners can keep their Range Rovers protected.


They have insurance, those in the third world don't. We are their insurance, without us, they die.


David Cameron has already said there is an unlimited pot of money for those affected by the floods...what the **** more do you want?


Do you mean countries like Zimbabwe who used to be self sufficient, but then kicked all the people off the land who knew how to farm it and then shock horror, they find they have no food?


I used to give to the likes of save the children, but never again.


Whilst it might not be the kids fault that they're starving, it's certainly not ours either. Charity begins at home as far as I'm concerned....I'm with gazza on this.





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A few random observations :


I'm not sure why this has to be a class issue. It is just as distressing if your £1.5 million house is under water as a £50k terraced house.


It was a little odd a couple of nights ago when Jeremy Paxman's stories of thousands of people being killed and injured in the trenches in WW1 was followed by a quote from someone in Somerset describing how they were living in a "disaster zone"


The problem with these petitions is that you can only vote yes. If 100,000 agree to the proposal, does it mean that there are 10 people disagree, or 60 million.

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well maybe if the governments in these countries you are talking about didn't spend all there money on arms and guns and didn't slaughter there own people and starve their own people, then we wouldn't be paying for their drugs as the government might spend it on life saving drugs. when I was growing up in the 80's it was all about Ethiopia which was a terrible thing that was happening at the time, and all the support we gave was right as no one should suffer like that. my argument with you reply was the Ethiopian was spending all its money on arms and guns, while the world bailed its own people out.


I can see an argument in favour of diverting funds towards the education budget.

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A few random observations :


I'm not sure why this has to be a class issue. It is just as distressing if your £1.5 million house is under water as a £50k terraced house.


You know why this has to be a class issue: this is Sheffield Forum, where everyone who lives down South is an Eton-educated Hooray Henry toff millionaire who goes hunting, whereas everyone who lives in Yorkshire is a heroic poverty-stricken ex-miner struggling to find food at the food bank.

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get on the daily mail website and sign the online petition to get the govt to divert its massive foreign aid money pot, to help the people who are being affected by the floods down south,


Absolutely not. Cheap populist thinking for the hard of thinking.

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Do you mean countries like Zimbabwe who used to be self sufficient, but then kicked all the people off the land who knew how to farm it and then shock horror, they find they have no food?


I used to give to the likes of save the children, but never again.


Whilst it might not be the kids fault that they're starving, it's certainly not ours either. Charity begins at home as far as I'm concerned....I'm with gazza on this.






But *why* does charity begin at home? That doesn't sound any more logical than "charity beings 500 miles away".


Try this: http://www.philosophyexperiments.com/singer/Default.aspx

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I have to admit I did feel sorry for the young man who'd just bought his first property (& no not a mansion) and had only been in it a week. His dad was helping him bale out the water.


Why do councils allow builders to build on flood plains?




"Yvette Cooper, the Housing Minister, told the Commons there would have to be a significant increase in housebuilding over the next decade to keep up with demand.


"Unveiling the Government's new housing green paper, she stressed that the number of households is projected to grow by around 223,000 a year. However, the number of new homes being built for them to live in is currently only rising by 185,000 each year.She insisted that it was inevitable that some of these new homes would be built on flood plains and warned critics not to "play politics" with the issue."



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