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We need a lot more houses, especially in the S East as much of the economy is based there.


I have a feeling that if the floods had happened in Northern England then there wouldnt be so much concern. York floods on a regular basis and it doesnt get the national headlines. They did leave Somerset for 6 weeks and then the politicians came out. The floods are now threatening the Thames Valley and that is much closer to home for the politicians.


Lot of lessons to learn. What happens now could have a significant impact on the next election.

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I have to admit I did feel sorry for the young man who'd just bought his first property (& no not a mansion) and had only been in it a week. His dad was helping him bale out the water.


Why do councils allow builders to build on flood plains?




"Yvette Cooper, the Housing Minister, told the Commons there would have to be a significant increase in housebuilding over the next decade to keep up with demand.


"Unveiling the Government's new housing green paper, she stressed that the number of households is projected to grow by around 223,000 a year. However, the number of new homes being built for them to live in is currently only rising by 185,000 each year.She insisted that it was inevitable that some of these new homes would be built on flood plains and warned critics not to "play politics" with the issue."




Back to the point I made on a previous thread.


Our population is growing and therefore more houses will be required.


If we stamp down on immigration, then fewer people coming into our country will mean a slow down in our population growth and therefore less houses needing to be built.






---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 08:36 ----------


You know why this has to be a class issue: this is Sheffield Forum, where everyone who lives down South is an Eton-educated Hooray Henry toff millionaire who goes hunting, whereas everyone who lives in Yorkshire is a heroic poverty-stricken ex-miner struggling to find food at the food bank.


You've got to laugh.


I'm not particularly well off, but I don't have a problem with those who have made a lot of money through their own hard work. It seems some on here suffer from the green eyed monster.





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You've got to laugh.


I'm not particularly well off, but I don't have a problem with those who have made a lot of money through their own hard work. It seems some on here suffer from the green eyed monster.






Have you?


I'm all for everyone who works hard being able to choose where they live, but life's not like that in this country, unfortunately. Plenty of families work very hard but cannot even afford to buy the most modest of houses.


If I choose to buy a house and a little boat or two at the side of the Thames, or indeed have a house built, and ignore facts that surveys throw up, and common sense, and I can afford to live almost anywhere in the country, should I really expect compensation from the government?

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Have you?


I'm all for everyone who works hard being able to choose where they live, but life's not like that in this country, unfortunately. Plenty of families work very hard but cannot even afford to buy the most modest of houses.


If I choose to buy a house and a little boat or two at the side of the Thames, or indeed have a house built, and ignore facts that surveys throw up, and common sense, and I can afford to live almost anywhere in the country, should I really expect compensation from the government?


The compensation will come from the insurance companies.


The money the Government will throw at it will be to repair the infrastructure and flood defences.


Did you have a good laugh at all those down Catcliffe who had their houses flooded out during the floods in Sheffield, after all, they chose to live down there?


Not everybody down South is a pompous Hooray Henry, there are lots of hard working individuals who have thrown everything they have into their homes, only for it to be destroyed by this freak weather.





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Somehow or other I think the insurance companies are going to employ the same tactic 'blame the victim' as has been stated not all the people affected are rich toffs.


If the insurance companies do try to wriggle out of it then I'd hope the Government step in to either help the home owners or put pressure on the insurance companies.


Of course there maybe some people who are without insurance or were unable to get insurance cover due to where they lived, in their case I have less sympathy.


I mentioned it on a previous thread, but Catcliffe has badly flooded in the past yet we're building thousands of homes just up the road at Waverley. Is this likely to be an issue in the future?





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You can't just turn the aid tap off, it's not that simple. Look at all the money that's gone into health programmes etc, to pull the plug now would be idiotic, and cost us far more in the long run.


The long run?


It's been going on for decades.

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The compensation will come from the insurance companies.


The BBC news this morning says Cameron has pledged £5000 each for householders effected.



Did you have a good laugh at all those down Catcliffe who had the houses flooded out during the floods in Sheffield, after all, they chose to live down there?




No, and I'm not having a good laugh now, quite the opposite in fact. But I seemed to have missed the Daily Mail organising a petition for them, and your support for the government to divert the overseas aid budget to them.

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No, and I'm not having a good laugh now, quite the opposite in fact. But I seemed to have missed the Daily Mail organising a petition for them, and your support for the government to divert the overseas aid budget to them.


Of course I'd like to see the taxpayers money of this country going towards helping the taxpayers of this country during their time in need.





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