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Of course I'd like to see the taxpayers money of this country going towards helping the taxpayers of this country during their time in need.






Were you calling for this for the people of Winn Gardens?


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 09:22 ----------



I mentioned it on a previous thread, but Catcliffe has badly flooded in the past yet we're building thousands of homes just up the road at Waverley. Is this likely to be an issue in the future?



Not being a land specialist I cannot comment with authority about Waverley. All I can say is that I can't say I fancy the idea.


Not everybody down South is a pompous Hooray Henry, there are lots of hard working individuals....


Whilst all the politicians get donned up for their photo shoots along the Thames, and scratch their heads, BIG congratulations to Rabbi Singh, who has been there, organising the community and aid locally and actually DOING something! If he's not in line for a royal honour because of this, I don't know who is!

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It seems that many Sheffield residents have little or no empathy for their own countryman, and deem it necessary to say that foreign aid is much more important than our southern brothers and sisters. I can't help but think that these people must consider themselves as good doers, whilst at the same time not realizing that they are coming across as anti-nationionalistic idiots. The people of these isles MUST come before any corrupt foreign government, but sadly these hypocritical bigots will never give in until something bad happens to them, and then the tables will turn. Why on earth do these clowns not understand why UKIP are so popular?



It's time they stopped this worldly-wise European ove crush, and fed the poor and kept the pensioners warm, and helped those people that have had their homes ruined.

I'm with gazza, and have signed the petition.


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 10:15 ----------


An excellent point.


Not an excellent point at all. If your mother was denied an NHS bed because of an immigrant having an op, and god forbid she lost her battle, would you still claim charity belongs away from home then?


Sure you would :suspect:


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 10:19 ----------


Have you?


I'm all for everyone who works hard being able to choose where they live, but life's not like that in this country, unfortunately. Plenty of families work very hard but cannot even afford to buy the most modest of houses.


If I choose to buy a house and a little boat or two at the side of the Thames, or indeed have a house built, and ignore facts that surveys throw up, and common sense, and I can afford to live almost anywhere in the country, should I really expect compensation from the government?


It is all about the green eyed monster, without real thought.

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So Gazza you want to take money away from the needy and from projects like childrens vaccinations, education when there is no need to?

Some of the foreign aid will go on arms as export credits. You know where that money goes? Straight back to the UK who sell them the arms and straight back to UK exporters.


Why divert the foreign aid budget when they have opened up other funding to pay for the floods? Arent you bothered what the removal of that money will mean for some of the poorest countries on this planet or you just dont care?


so where is this funding, is it the same as the funding that Sheffield was promised and never got. im all for helping other people in need, I never spend the whole budget foreign aid budget on helping the flood victims,

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It seems that many Sheffield residents have little or no empathy for their own countryman, and deem it necessary to say that foreign aid is much more important than our southern brothers and sisters. I can't help but think that these people must consider themselves as good doers, whilst at the same time not realizing that they are coming across as anti-nationionalistic idiots. The people of these isles MUST come before any corrupt foreign government, but sadly these hypocritical bigots will never give in until something bad happens to them, and then the tables will turn. Why on earth do these clowns not understand why UKIP are so popular?



It's time they stopped this worldly-wise European ove crush, and fed the poor and kept the pensioners warm, and helped those people that have had their homes ruined.

I'm with gazza, and have signed the petition.


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 10:15 ----------



Not an excellent point at all. If your mother was denied an NHS bed because of an immigrant having an op, and god forbid she lost her battle, would you still claim charity belongs away from home then?


Sure you would :suspect:


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 10:19 ----------



It is all about the green eyed monster, without real thought.


You talk about the NHS and looking after the poor, yet you demand that we give public money to the most well off in the country?


Green-eyed monster? At least my eyes are open. :hihi:

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You talk about the NHS and looking after the poor, yet you demand that we give public money to the most well off in the country?


Green-eyed monster? At least my eyes are open. :hihi:


Mr Bloom, if your eyes had been open, you would have seen that I used the term brothers and sisters, and included the word 'national'. We are all equals, and they is enough money generated to care for both the rich and poor.

Class distinction needn't be the issue, whereas distribution should be.

When we all get paid,priority bills are sorted first,and any surplus is used however we want. That is how the government should budget public money, not the other way around.

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Well this thread has gone off topic. Simple scenario really. People buy nice house next to the river because it's cheaper than the surrounding areas and is nicer. It rains and the river floods. Why is this a surprise to anyone!!! People on here are going on about Waverley (no it won't flood) and catcliffe as though it's not important because it's a flood risk area. It's the same down south!!! Why should the people down south be treated any differently to the people in catcliffe, sprotborough, Winn gardens and the like?


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 10:42 ----------


Mr Bloom, if your eyes had been open, you would have seen that I used the term brothers and sisters, and included the word 'national'. We are all equals, and they is enough money generated to care for both the rich and poor.

Class distinction needn't be the issue, whereas distribution should be.

When we all get paid,priority bills are sorted first,and any surplus is used however we want. That is how the government should budget public money, not the other way around.


All equals!! Where is your commitment to flood defences in sheffield that have just not materialized? Surely your local area deserves more attention than some nimby land down south?

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Yeah I want life saving drugs taken out of the mouths of starving Africans to make sure southerners can keep their Range Rovers protected.


They have insurance, those in the third world don't. We are their insurance, without us, they die.


David Cameron has already said there is an unlimited pot of money for those affected by the floods...what the **** more do you want?


Hans you are so ignorant it is actually quite offensive. Not everyone down south is Rich you know, a bit like not every Italian likes Meatballs and every Scottish person likes whiskey and wearing a kilt.


There has been widespread flooding in my home town (with spitting distance of London). Luckily no one I know has been affected, but the flooding is in a fairly deprived area, far more deprived than a lot of areas of Sheffield. If these people are either not covered by insurance, or if the insurance does not pay out "act of God?" these people are in serious trouble.


I am pretty sure that Sheffield has some of the most affluent areas in the country. This isn't the working class paradise that some idiots claim it to be.



Do you mean countries like Zimbabwe who used to be self sufficient, but then kicked all the people off the land who knew how to farm it and then shock horror, they find they have no food?


I used to give to the likes of save the children, but never again.


Whilst it might not be the kids fault that they're starving, it's certainly not ours either. Charity begins at home as far as I'm concerned....I'm with gazza on this.






Doom, you have picked a very poor example in Zimbabwe. Read some history, you may even get some ammo from it to attack Thatcher!



Not an excellent point at all. If your mother was denied an NHS bed because of an immigrant having an op, and god forbid she lost her battle, would you still claim charity belongs away from home then?


Sure you would :suspect:


It really wouldn't bother me if it was an immigrant or native that got the bed ahead of my mother. Remember, an immigrant is just somebody who used to be somewhere else.

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We need a lot more houses, especially in the S East as much of the economy is based there.


I have a feeling that if the floods had happened in Northern England then there wouldnt be so much concern. York floods on a regular basis and it doesnt get the national headlines. They did leave Somerset for 6 weeks and then the politicians came out. The floods are now threatening the Thames Valley and that is much closer to home for the politicians.


Lot of lessons to learn. What happens now could have a significant impact on the next election.



Here's what the Chief Executive of York has to say




In brief.


"We are on a flood plain at the confluence of two rivers.


"We get floods.


"We try to mitigate against it with flood protection, and react as we can when it inevitably overtops those protections.


"We can't continue with this work or seek to carry out work to prevent further future flooding without government money"







Chris Smith said he had told ministers there would be consequences when the agency’s funding was cut soon after the coalition came to power in 2010.
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Governments (both) seem pretty powerless to do very much during a flood such as this. I don't recall the Labour government doing much either when Sheffield was flooded. But what would have helped would have been a strict ruling not to build on high risk flood planes.

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