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Don't know about the others but we certainly didn't bail Ireland out. Because of ratings by people such as Standard & Poor we were able to borrow money at a more advantageous rate than Ireland, therefore we borrowed it at one rate and loaned it to Ireland at a higher rate, thus making a profit.


Nothing wrong with that, but it wasn't a bailout.


Incidentally, we had little choice as British banks with little to no oversight had loaned billions to Irish banks, and if they failed it would take the British banks down with them.


The last financial figures that I have seen show that Ireland owes 104.5 billion Euro to Britain and Britain owes 113.5 billion to Ireland.


As to the OP it has been pointed out that Cameron has already promised funds, so everyone can calm down. :)


With regard to The Daily Mail petition, I wouldn't sign a petition for that rag if they were campaigning for bigger pint pots.


we ok to bail out our own people in our own country with our own money out of a flood zone then???,since weve obvisously found the money to lend to other countries. insurance covers home,buildings and contents, not the entire area ie infrastructure. these people cant get out and about they are completely cut off in some areas.


also with regards to eu, have they not a relief fund set up or are we not allowed to ask for some of the money we put in back when we need it. Because if this was happening in france or Germany relief would already be on its way.

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The point you deliberately miss is that our government is supposed to govern the UK, not throw money at other countries. If you want to donate to African charities then fine go ahead, but the government should not be wasting taxpayers money on them.


Secondly the reason why people are starving in Africa is that the world is overpopulated because they won't stop breeding. Saving lives will only make the overpopulation greater and the problem worse. But that's another argument for another thread.


It's got nothing to do with starving Africans refusing to stop breeding. Back in the Victorian era, British people had large families as infant mortality was so high.

The Government is quite right to ring fence money to those in the greatest need. Stop being so bloody selfish and spiteful!

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we ok to bail out our own people in our own country with our own money out of a flood zone then???,since weve obvisously found the money to lend to other countries. insurance covers home,buildings and contents, not the entire area ie infrastructure. these people cant get out and about they are completely cut off in some areas.


also with regards to eu, have they not a relief fund set up or are we not allowed to ask for some of the money we put in back when we need it. Because if this was happening in france or Germany relief would already be on its way.


Who said we weren't? I merely pointed out that we made money from the Irish situation and therefore to refer to it as a bailout was incorrect. OK?


The difference is of course that we will be repaid the money lent to Ireland, with interest, but money borrowed for flood relief in the UK will be owed to the lender.


As to the EU having an emergency fund to help member states in times of unforseen trouble, if it hasn't, then it should have.

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Do you really consider events where entire cities are destroyed and tens of thousands of people find themselves homeless, with no power, food or water, with no infrastructure or even ability to leave the affected region in the same scale as a few tens of houses being flooded on their ground floor, requiring people to stay in a nearby hotel?


The DEC raises money for causes where people are dying and in desperate need of outside assistance simply to survive - aka disasters. A bit of flooding on the Thames and some fields in Somerset is not a disaster by any means.


Some people need to get a grip and a sense of reality.


Are you absolutely sure you are a British citizen? I do enjoy reading your posts, well, laughing at them mostly, but im not entirely convinced that you have British people in your heart (the bold bit speaks volumes) or is it just a writhing fit of jealousy or just an illness you suffer from?

These people are your home soil neighbours, who have suffered at lot more than you know. I know there has been some awful things said between members, but this post of yours is actually worse than a nutty UKIP bloke saying the gays caused the weather.

I cant believe it!


A bit of flooding on the Thames and some fields in Somerset is not a disaster by any means.


It is just so wrong to say that.

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Are you absolutely sure you are a British citizen? I do enjoy reading your posts, well, laughing at them mostly, but im not entirely convinced that you have British people in your heart (the bold bit speaks volumes) or is it just a writhing fit of jealousy or just an illness you suffer from?


These people are your home soil neighbours, who have suffered at lot more than you know. I know there has been some awful things said between members, but this post of yours is actually worse than a nutty UKIP bloke saying the gays caused the weather.

I cant believe it!


Why should I have "British people in my heart", just because I share an island with other people doesn't raise them up to being worth more than people living across the sea. No Brit is worth more than any non-Brit and vice-versa.


I agree with Epic Fail - I will empathise with people based on their suffering, not their location.


It is just so wrong to say that.


Tell me, how many people have died? How many homes have been destroyed (and a bit of water damage to the ground floor doesn't count as destroyed)? How many people are currently at risk of starvation? How many are unable to access clean water / food / heat?


None. To all of them.


This is not a disaster - it's inconvenience.


I would love to see you tell some of the Brits who survived the Christmas day tsunami that there is a disaster going on in Somerset.

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Are you absolutely sure you are a British citizen? I do enjoy reading your posts, well, laughing at them mostly, but im not entirely convinced that you have British people in your heart (the bold bit speaks volumes) or is it just a writhing fit of jealousy or just an illness you suffer from?

These people are your home soil neighbours, who have suffered at lot more than you know. I know there has been some awful things said between members, but this post of yours is actually worse than a nutty UKIP bloke saying the gays caused the weather.

I cant believe it!


A bit of flooding on the Thames and some fields in Somerset is not a disaster by any means.


It is just so wrong to say that.


Why would anyone be jealous of people who have suffered heavy rain falls?You do talk rubbish!

It's about a keeping a sense of proportion.

And yes many people in Sheffield and the surrounding areas do have a sense of what it's like to be flooded. Back in 2007 Sheffield had floods too.

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It's got nothing to do with starving Africans refusing to stop breeding. Back in the Victorian era, British people had large families as infant mortality was so high.

The Government is quite right to ring fence money to those in the greatest need. Stop being so bloody selfish and spiteful!


Yes, the UK government should ringfence money to those in greatest need, but only in the UK. Why are we giving handouts to people in other countries?

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get on the daily mail website and sign the online petition to get the govt to divert its massive foreign aid money pot, to help the people who are being affected by the floods down south,


No chance!! In comparison to the floods in 2007, the damage down south is negligible to say the least.


---------- Post added 13-02-2014 at 11:07 ----------


Yes, the UK government should ringfence money to those in greatest need, but only in the UK. Why are we giving handouts to people in other countries?


Because they need it. Stop being a selfish brat!


---------- Post added 13-02-2014 at 11:08 ----------


Back in 2007 Sheffield had floods too.


Yes, and they were MUCH worse than the floods that are happening down south now.

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Yes, the UK government should ringfence money to those in greatest need, but only in the UK. Why are we giving handouts to people in other countries?


Because despite all the moaning, whinging, begrudgers we are still the eighth richest country in the world?


Because if you know anything of English/British history you will be aware that we came about our original wealth by somewhat dubious means, and that it involved some of those countries that we are now helping?


Because despite our somewhat piratical past ( no different to other Empires ) we are now a mature relatively civilized country who by and large ( interfering militarily in other countries internal affairs aside ) try to do the right thing?


Because the poor benighted people in these countries have no chance unless we try to help?


Because it's something that we citizens of this country can be proud of?


Because it's the right thing to do?


That's why.

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