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Tony Benn Dies.

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The political divide today is very simple. The Tories are the party of old money and Labour is the party of new money.


Labour are just the Unions mouthpiece . Always have been . If you look carefully whenever a Labour politician speaks you can see the unions arm up their back operating their mouth.

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Labour are just the Unions mouthpiece . Always have been . If you look carefully whenever a Labour politician speaks you can see the unions arm up their back operating their mouth.


Rubbish. The last Labour government was more business orientated than the previous Tory government.

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What I am saying [which I thought was clear] is that the Labour Party is no longer the the party of of the ordinary working man and woman.


By this I mean the manual, shop, N.H.S., and transport workers among others.


Now you may think that middle class profesionals can be classed as being part of the above group but! it is obvious to any one that they are not, it is this group that are now the major supporters of New Labour and it is from this group that New? Labour recruit its candidates who then are put forward into the traditional working class areas to represent them.


So what I am saying is that those candidates have no idea as to what life is like for the [shall we say] lower orders and have just jumped onto the political band wagon.


I don't think you understand. Does it matter whether or not Labour are seen as a working class party? If you're not working class, can you vote Labour?

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Robin Day came from a much more working class background than Tony Benn did, who never understood the working class at all. That was the irony of it. Benn used to hail his limousine back to his mansion in Belgravia. Day just went back to a modest London town house, which he had earned the money himself, by hard work to buy . And yet it looked to a casual viewer as if it was Day that was the establishment, and Benn, the revolutionary.


Pray tell, how does one "hail" one's limousine? One hails a taxi, surely? if one has a limousine, then eo ipso, the limousine would be attending on you, and not to be hailed?


Also, his home in Holland Park, (note, not Belgravia!) was a one bedroomed flat in a sheltered block.

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Also, his home in Holland Park, (note, not Belgravia!) was a one bedroomed flat in a sheltered block.


Tony Benn has now divested himself of his last status symbol — a £3million house at one of the best addresses in the country.


After six decades living in somewhat shambolic splendour at the four-storey Regency mansion in Holland Park, West London, the old Labour warhorse has downsized to a private, warden-controlled retirement flat worth a mere £750,000.

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Tony Benn has now divested himself of his last status symbol — a £3million house at one of the best addresses in the country.


After six decades living in somewhat shambolic splendour at the four-storey Regency mansion in Holland Park, West London, the old Labour warhorse has downsized to a private, warden-controlled retirement flat worth a mere £750,000.


Are you being deliberately obtuse ivanava? Or are your grapes somewhat sour? I see no other reason for your out-and-out snipe at Benn, who, as I said previously, was a rare breed among parliamentarians, being a politician who was honest, and principled.


You do realise that a flat in central London, costing 3/4 of a million pounds is nothing more than something we in Sheffield would pay about £100k for? (even in the "dearer" areas like Dore?) look at the retirement developments at the Millhouses park terminus, the ones at Brunswick retirement Village Woodhouse, or the ones that were built on the site of the former pub, The Kings Head (?) at crosspool.

They are 100-150 grand, give or take, but no better (apart from their central London address) than that which TB lived in.


"a private, warden-controlled retirement flat":- again, in plainspeak, rather than the daily mail's "newspeak" style of journalism, translates to nothing more than "a sheltered flat" something to consider with more than a passing interest when you lift a quote like that directly from trash-rags like the daily mail. Especially when you do not attribute it as such, which is misrepresentation when it is to be taken as something you have said,rather than a cut and paste.

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