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American peanut butter £4.25!!

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In my local Tesco, American peanut butter £4.25 for a 450g jar.


Are they having a laugh??? :hihi::hihi:


I would assume if Tesco are stocking it, it is because folk are buying it.


There are folk around happy to pay £20 plus for a bottle of wine despite the fact others sell wine at £3/bottle.

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I would assume if Tesco are stocking it, it is because folk are buying it.


No....It's a new promotion. They have designated an area specifically for USA produce. There's US flags and bunting all over.


No doubt in a few weeks it will be on special offer at £2 or thereabouts.

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How is American peanut butter any different to the stuff you can already get?


About £2 difference.


I buy Sun-Pat peanut butter.

I don't know what the American one taste like,as I won't be buying it. (well not at that price)

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How is American peanut butter any different to the stuff you can already get?


It has added ingedients

PEANUT BUTTER Insect filth

(AOAC 968.35) Average of 30 or more insect fragments per 100 grams

Rodent filth

(AOAC 968.35) Average of 1 or more rodent hairs per 100 grams


(AOAC 968.35) Gritty taste and water insoluble inorganic residue is more than 25 mg per 100 grams


DEFECT SOURCE: Insect fragments - preharvest and/or post harvest and/or processing insect infestation, Rodent hair - post harvest and/or processing contamination with animal hair or excreta, Grit - harvest contamination




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In my local Tesco, American peanut butter £4.25 for a 450g jar.


Are they having a laugh??? :hihi::hihi:


The really cheap stuff probably originates from the States too. (without the bunting)


You do of course know that a fist full of them are about to be rammed up your backside for even mentioning "American". So wash ya marf aght.

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