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American peanut butter £4.25!!

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The really cheap stuff probably originates from the States too. (without the bunting)


You do of course know that a fist full of them are about to be rammed up your backside for even mentioning "American". So wash ya marf aght.


Well lets hope the fist-full of peanut butter is the smooth one.:D

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In my local Tesco, American peanut butter £4.25 for a 450g jar.


Are they having a laugh??? :hihi::hihi:


That is INSANE. THey are only doing that because the smaller shops selling yanky stuff are also charging stupid prices and they are just cashing in.


If the local Chinese stores can sell imported stuff for very little, then so can they.


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 13:01 ----------


Also, tesco are doing fruit loops now (probably a toned down version, less radioactive) and they are horrid things. Why are they popular?

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There are folk around happy to pay £20 plus for a bottle of wine despite the fact others sell wine at £3/bottle.
Too true. All that wine, it's all coming out of the same Chinese factory anyway, and really it's just Ribena messed about with. No such thing as French, Australian or Italian wine, that's just a clever marketing ploy by dem damn furreiners...:rant:


Dear Sheffield Forum, thanks for providing my daily dose of laughs oh-so-reliably :hihi:


As for peanut butter, American or otherwise...really?!? :gag:

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That is INSANE. THey are only doing that because the smaller shops selling yanky stuff are also charging stupid prices and they are just cashing in.


If the local Chinese stores can sell imported stuff for very little, then so can they.


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 13:01 ----------


Also, tesco are doing fruit loops now (probably a toned down version, less radioactive) and they are horrid things. Why are they popular?


Cheeky yanks!


And they probably picked up our superb Harrier Jumpjets for aboot £4 a ton.:hihi:


---------- Post added 12-02-2014 at 13:15 ----------


Have a look in Tesco's and see if they have the same promotion down in England.


There's actually an Irish produce promotion right besides the US one. Can't remember what they're promoting??? Probably Soda bread at fotty quid a slice.

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There are certain products which are actually imported from the UK, there is a box of cereal Tesco sell called lucky charms...£5...the price reflects the cost of importing it from the US.


Now either its part of that range or as someone else has said, it's a standard product that will be shown as 'half price' in a few weeks.

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