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Private Member's Bill for Margaret Thatcher day


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I saw this weeks ago an thought it was a wind up...obviously not!





Should it be called Milk Snatchers day instead of August Bank Holiday Monday?




I'm sure there's an online petition against this but can't find the link...I think there's a need for 100,000 signatures to get the objection officially heard...

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Sounds like something just put in to wind up Labour to be honest.


No-one else gets their own day.


No Sir Peter Bone was perfectly serious in his suggestion that Maggi should get her own day, he wanted the reintroduction of flogging and various other swivel eyed things as well.

It's been discussed here:http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9876396&highlight=peter+bone#post9876396

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