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Private Member's Bill for Margaret Thatcher day


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Oh FGS chill out.


The women whether you liked her or not is dead.


SOME people actually had support for her - otherwise she would not have remained in power for over 12 years. Obviously others clearly didn't.


However, what really gets my goat is that there is a huge number of people who either;


Were not even born when said woman was in power

Have had no direct consequence of any of her actions

Dont even know what she was about

Dont even know what she did

Have only formed an opinion on said person becuase of what SOMEONE ELSE has told them


But they still feel a need to make vile comments and "protest" over a women who has been out of the public office for over 20 years.


Move on. There is worse things happening in the world right now.

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Oh FGS chill out.


The women whether you liked her or not is dead.


SOME people actually had support for her for her - otherwise she would not have remained in power for over 12 years. Obviously others clearly didn't.


However, what really gets my goat is that there is a huge number of people who either;


Were not even born when said woman was in power

Have had no direct consequence of any of her actions

Dont even know what she was about

Dont even know what she did

Have only formed an opinion on said person becuase of what SOMEONE ELSE has told them


But they still feel a need to make vile comments and "protest" over a women who has been out of the public office for over 20 years.


Move on. There is worse things happening in the world right now.


I wouldn't like to comment on whether other people who have already posted meet your list of pet peeves; but having a 'national' day named after a hugly divisive figure would be infuriating for those who suffered under her government. And this is a Forum where people can post their opinions after all?

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I wouldn't like to comment on whether other people who have already posted meet your list of pet peeves; but having a 'national' day named after a hugly divisive figure would be infuriating for those who suffered under her government. And this is a Forum where people can post their opinions after all?


Im with you and personally think its a rediculous idea, if it was even a realistic proposal (which I suspect it isn't).


I have no issues with people having opinion but what I really object to is what has inevitably happened in the very few posts on this thread.


"tory scum"

"...can sod off"




...I personally object to being called scum just becuase I choose to support a particular party.


I further object to people calling ANY deceased woman who did nothing more than run the country over two decades ago a "hag" and a "witch". Its pathetic to see from supposed adults.


She did not go on a mass murdering spree. She did not drown kittens.

She did not go around peeing on homeless people.


She just ran the country in the way she felt it should be run until the electorate and eventually the party got rid of her. Nothing more or less than any other politician before and after. The insults are pointless and totally uncalled for. Its embarrassing.


I PERSONALLY think Blair and Brown did far more damage to the country than Maggie ever did. However, I wonder how I would be treated if I was to start calling them "labour scum" "union backside lickers" and burned a few Blair/Brown effigies.

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However, what really gets my goat is that there is a huge number of people who either;


Were not even born when said woman was in power

Have had no direct consequence of any of her actions

Dont even know what she was about

Dont even know what she did

Have only formed an opinion on said person becuase of what SOMEONE ELSE has told them




I don't meet any of those criteria. I know exactly what she did. I understand exactly the damage that she caused to our nation. I also understand the future problems that she precipitated by her rather unpleasant brand of Toryism.


For all of those reasons, I don't believe that she is worthy of having a national holiday named after her.


And Peter Bone is a complete and utter arse, so why should anyone give his ideas any serious consideration?

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Im with you and personally think its a rediculous idea, if it was even a realistic proposal (which I suspect it isn't).


I have no issues with people having opinion but what I really object to is what has inevitably happened in the very few posts on this thread.


"tory scum"

"...can sod off"




...I personally object to being called scum just becuase I choose to support a particular party.


I further object to people calling ANY deceased woman who did nothing more than run the country over two decades ago a "hag" and a "witch". Its pathetic to see from supposed adults.


She did not go on a mass murdering spree. She did not drown kittens.

She did not go around peeing on homeless people.


She just ran the country in the way she felt it should be run until the electorate and eventually the party got rid of her. Nothing more or less than any other politician before and after. The insults are pointless and totally uncalled for. Its embarrassing.


I PERSONALLY think Blair and Brown did far more damage to the country than Maggie ever did. However, I wonder how I would be treated if I was to start calling them "labour scum" "union backside lickers" and burned a few Blair/Brown effigies.


You'll read those opinions on the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph blogs frequently, and sometimes columnists like Richard Littlejohn and Toby Young frequently indulge their audience with lampooning and savaging Labour.

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