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[Mis]behaviour of SY Police in the 80's?

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Does anyone remember how the 1980's Police vans, full of leering officers, used to patrol the streets at night (usually weekends) with the back door ajar, so that they could quickly dash out and grab a 'suspect' (ie. beat someone up in the back, quite often for doing 'nothing')?


I used to hang around with a crowd of lads from S8, not criminals, not football-affiliated, not aggressive/provocative, overly-leery/drunken or violent, but who enjoyed a good time. But those white Police vans slowly and deliberately drove past, the windows with keen cops glaring angrily at apparently any groupings of young men, from the windows, still fills me with amazement that it was even tolerated?


We were only young, and clammed up as this happened, week after week, seemingly to many different groups of lads in town who we spoke to (almost socially acceptable?), despite being innocent.

This seemed to be SY Police policy for them to behave like this on a Friday/Saturday evening, early til late, whether there had been football-related problems or not?


But how would this be treated nowadays? Surely this would be illegal harassment?

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Does anyone remember how the 1980's Police vans, full of leering officers, used to patrol the streets at night (usually weekends) with the back door ajar, so that they could quickly dash out and grab a 'suspect' (ie. beat someone up in the back, quite often for doing 'nothing')?


I used to hang around with a crowd of lads from S8, not criminals, not football-affiliated, not aggressive/provocative, overly-leery/drunken or violent, but who enjoyed a good time. But those white Police vans slowly and deliberately drove past, the windows with keen cops glaring angrily at apparently any groupings of young men, from the windows, still fills me with amazement that it was even tolerated?


We were only young, and clammed up as this happened, week after week, seemingly to many different groups of lads in town who we spoke to (almost socially acceptable?), despite being innocent.

This seemed to be SY Police policy for them to behave like this on a Friday/Saturday evening, early til late, whether there had been football-related problems or not?


But how would this be treated nowadays? Surely this would be illegal harassment?


It was illegal harrasment then!

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It still happens, make no mistake about that. It just dosent happen as often. A young lad i was working with told me of a time when he was out with his mates. This was towards the end of 2009. They crossed West street and were heading towards the Shakespeare pub and were stopped by a van load of coppers who got out and accused them of kerb crawling lol.

Anyway rthey denied it and so the cops got out and dragged all 3 of them into the van and gave them a hiding.

Then they shoved them out and drove off.

Now i got this story from him, i wasnt there but hand on heart hes one of the most honest and decent people ive ever met. The last thing id imagine he would do is lie so make of the incident what you will :)

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It still happens, make no mistake about that. It just dosent happen as often. A young lad i was working with told me of a time when he was out with his mates. This was towards the end of 2009. They crossed West street and were heading towards the Shakespeare pub and were stopped by a van load of coppers who got out and accused them of kerb crawling lol.

Anyway rthey denied it and so the cops got out and dragged all 3 of them into the van and gave them a hiding.

Then they shoved them out and drove off.

Now i got this story from him, i wasnt there but hand on heart hes one of the most honest and decent people ive ever met. The last thing id imagine he would do is lie so make of the incident what you will :)


This is SF, 99% of users immediately think your mate is a liar, or you are, or both :hihi:

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