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What to do when you see blue lights and hear sirens

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Isn't there a speed camera on the downside lanes, near the Lidl lights? I've seen some dopey drivers stopping dead when they hear a siren, and also those who ignore emergency vehicles too. Its not a bad thread Cyclone, but some are past education. Some people think they own the road, no matter what.

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My bad, got the street name wrong. Hanover Way, not Halifax Road.


---------- Post added 13-02-2014 at 11:06 ----------



Yep, I've seen that quite a few times.


And roundabouts as well, when it's clear, instead of just going and getting out of the way, they sit their like lemons whilst the ambulance is stuck squeezing slowly through them all.


---------- Post added 13-02-2014 at 11:09 ----------



I didn't think we'd strayed into the area of mind control...


The point I'm making is that many drivers don't appear to understand what they should do, and so they repeat this mistake. I'm hoping that maybe someone will think about it due to this thread and in the future not make the same mistake.

I'm quite happy with my driving being judged, why wouldn't I be?

And I've never seen a robot driving a car (although it won't be long now).


you have never seen a robot driving a car? are you sure. not even on tv? if you think you are going to change peoples habits by calling them idiots. that's clever alienate them first. if you want your driving judged go and sit a test again!!!

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I didn't say I want my driving judged. I said I was quite happy for it to be judged. Different statements.


Did I use the word idiot? I'll have to check. Yes, but only with reference to those two particular idiots this morning. They looked pretty idiotic, both stationary, blocking the Volvo from proceeding that then had to sound it's horn before they figured out what was wrong!


You know that "on TV" is often fictional, right?

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so whats the answer? should there be more driver training prior to the test? I know people who have held a driving licence for 20 years but have not used the motorway. This was changed and motorway driving became part of the test years later. maybe they could train drivers to better prepare for these eventualities. or take the easy route cameras on ambulances and fines for obvious as some would put it "idiots".


More driver training, almost certainly - the level of driver skill required to pass the test is pretty low tbh.


Motorway driving isn't part of the test is it??

I remember doing A-road dual carriageway stuff, but no motorways.


Fines for people who drive like numptys??


Well maybe, you could class it as driving without due care and attention???



As an aside, certain roads in Sheffield are likely to get emergency traffic all the time, think of Penistone Road for example, if you drive there make sure to pay extra attention to your rear-view mirrors, so you don't get surprised.


Middlewood road as well, the Ambulance station is down there.

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It's not something that is really taught when learning to drive. And if it is, it's a difficult scenario to produce for learning.



That's true, where I learned to drive you'd be hard pushed to ever see an emergency vehicle.


I think the problem is more that people are just in a world of their own when they're in their cars. Stereo on, oblivious!

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That's true, where I learned to drive you'd be hard pushed to ever see an emergency vehicle.


I think the problem is more that people are just in a world of their own when they're in their cars. Stereo on, oblivious!


So they don't hear the siren? They did, obviously, but then they did the wrong thing.


What would they do if a pedestrian walked out, accelerate?

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ambulance drivers are professionals and are taught to handle these situations without getting the needle.(no pun intended):)


Interesting. It states that you shouldn't go through a red light. But I have seen situations where cars have had no choice but to go through a light carefully in order to let the service through. Should they have stayed there waiting and holding the emergency service up until the light turned green I wonder.

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ambulance drivers are professionals and are taught to handle these situations without getting the needle.(no pun intended):)


This is what they didn't do (the one in the 2nd lane anyway)


On a dual-carriageway or motorway you should move over to a nearside lane by signalling your intention and merging with vehicles already there. Don't cut in front of other vehicles, they may not yet be aware of the approaching emergency vehicle.


and this is what they both did


Don't panic or brake suddenly. This could slow the progress of the emergency vehicle, and put yourself and other road users in danger.


---------- Post added 13-02-2014 at 14:20 ----------


Interesting. It states that you shouldn't go through a red light. But I have seen situations where cars have had no choice but to go through a light carefully in order to let the service through. Should they have stayed there waiting and holding the emergency service up until the light turned green I wonder.


Legally yes. And if they are caught by a traffic light camera it won't be accepted as an excuse.

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Interesting. It states that you shouldn't go through a red light. But I have seen situations where cars have had no choice but to go through a light carefully in order to let the service through. Should they have stayed there waiting and holding the emergency service up until the light turned green I wonder.


Thats the safe way of doing it, which ultimately is how it should be done.

No point in causing a traffic collision just to let the ambulance get through to attend another one somewhere else.


I have done it tho, obviously I made sure it was clear and I didn't hare off down the road I just moved forward far enough to pull in front of the car next to me and allow the ambulance through.


I ended up straddling the pedestrian crossing, but as no pedestrians were around it didn't seem unsafe.

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