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What to do when you see blue lights and hear sirens

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Interesting. It states that you shouldn't go through a red light. But I have seen situations where cars have had no choice but to go through a light carefully in order to let the service through. Should they have stayed there waiting and holding the emergency service up until the light turned green I wonder.


I've moved over the stop line on many occasion to allow energy vehicles to pass, I've done it in full view of the traffic light camera, I was fully prepared to defend my actions in court but that situation as never arisen.

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I've moved over the stop line on many occasion to allow energy vehicles to pass, I've done it in full view of the traffic light camera, I was fully prepared to defend my actions in court but that situation as never arisen.


You were lucky to get away with it. The courts would prefer to have the dude in the back of the ambulance die, than you use your initiative and cross that white line.

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As a cyclist I can hear the sirens before drivers can, and I look around to locate them. If it is coming in my direction I will stop safely and get myself onto the kerb out of the way :)


That's a good idea, get off the road as soon as possible because some numpty will knock you off your bike whilst trying to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle, don't assume the curb is safe, I've seen idiots mount the curb and almost take out pedestrians just to get out of the way of emergency vehicles.

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Slightly off topic, but is it legal for a totally deaf person to drive?


Yes it is, well in the Netherlands, but I can't imagine it being different here. A deaf acquaintance of mine passed her exam the first time, special attention was paid to the fact that she checked her mirrors frequently. In the Netherlands they teach you to check them every 10 to 20 seconds anyway and you can fail your test if you don't check them before performing ANY manoeuvre, from turning off the road you are on to setting off.

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Thanks for that broad generalisation Mr Fittipaldi :rolleyes:


Well someone's gotta keep the discussion going, clearly it's beyond you.


---------- Post added 13-02-2014 at 22:54 ----------


Slightly off topic, but is it legal for a totally deaf person to drive?


I believe it is legal.

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I've moved over the stop line on many occasion to allow energy vehicles to pass, I've done it in full view of the traffic light camera, I was fully prepared to defend my actions in court but that situation as never arisen.


It doesn't make your actions correct or legal - just un-punished.Like 90% of traffic related crime.

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No, please do not use common sense; it will not save you from legal consequences. Forget common sense people, please just do what is legal.


To clarify, what I mean is; it's not common sense that counts (in the eyes of the law), rather, it's following the letter and the form of the law. We are not encouraged to think for ourself and do what we consider to be the most appropriate action for a given situation; the law discourages us from doing such, because it prosecutes us when we do so.


It is better (in the eyes of the law) to be an unthinking robot, not to act with good will and consideration to your fellow man, but to simply understand the legalities of the situation, do what is legal, and throw appropriateness and common sense out of the window.


There is no place for good will, because acting from good will, results in the law punishing you (as in the example willman gave).


Isn't that correct?


That just suggests that the law is badly written. The law could allow vehicles to cross a stop line or use a bus lane to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle, so why doesn't it?

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