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What to do when you see blue lights and hear sirens

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It doesn't make your actions correct or legal - just un-punished.Like 90% of traffic related crime.


Thats correct, but I would be happy to take the punishment if my actions have the potencial to save a life.


When an emergency vehicle is traveling to an emergency, a couple of seconds could mean the difference between life and death.


A family member dies from loss of blood, an heart attack, drowning, ect. and the ambulance crew say if we could have just got there 20 seconds earlier we could have saved their life, but unfortunately we where stopped by traffic at a red light, just think how you are going to feel if it was you at those lights.


Your child is trapped in a burning building, the fire gets worse every second that passes and the fire appliance is once again trapped behind traffic at a red light, unfortunately that 20 second delay prevented them saving your child's life, just think how you are going to feel if it was you at those lights.


A little bit of common sense at traffic lights can help the emergency services without increasing the risk to anyone else.

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Thats correct, but I would be happy to take the punishment if my actions have the potencial to save a life.


When an emergency vehicle is traveling to an emergency, a couple of seconds could mean the difference between life and death.


A family member dies from loss of blood, an heart attack, drowning, ect. and the ambulance crew say if we could have just got there 20 seconds earlier we could have saved their life, but unfortunately we where stopped by traffic at a red light, just think how you are going to feel if it was you at those lights.


Your child is trapped in a burning building, the fire gets worse every second that passes and the fire appliance is once again trapped behind traffic at a red light, unfortunately that 20 second delay prevented them saving your child's life, just think how you are going to feel if it was you at those lights.


A little bit of common sense at traffic lights can help the emergency services without increasing the risk to anyone else.


No one has said anything any different - but you obviously make a decision to choose which laws you want to obey and which you want to ignore.

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That just suggests that the law is badly written. The law could allow vehicles to cross a stop line or use a bus lane to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle, so why doesn't it?


I don't know.


I guess by it's very nature, the law is inflexible. It would be too messy if it catered to too many varied situations and circumstances. I guess at times it doesn't allow people to use common sense and take appropriate action.


So yeah, I think sometimes, the law is wrong, and the correct thing to do, is to break the law. On balance, if I was going to save a life, I'd safely cross a white line by a red stop light, or go into a bus lane.

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