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EU-The Single Market is beneficial to the UK.

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In a blow to the Eurosceptics,a report by civil servants to the government has found that the EU single market is beneficial to the UK economy.



Roland Rudd, chairman of Business for New Europe said: "This clearly demonstrates how enormous the benefits of the single market really are: some huge firms would not even exist were it not for Britain's membership. What is so important in this debate is concrete evidence and this report shows just that: direct views from businesses who operate in the single market daily."



A government source said of the report on the single market: "There is a great weight of evidence that the single market is beneficial for our economy, for growth and job creation. It is a great force of liberalisation. Broadening and liberalising the single market further would be a boost to businesses and growth.



Adam Nathan, director of the pro-European British Influence Our Biggest Market campaign, said: "What is striking from the evidence is the strength of British economic interests in the maintenance and further development of the single market. easyJet is clear that it would not exist without opening of the single market for air transport. Businesses of all shapes and sizes want common regulations and standards for EU-wide production. Europe needs to be reformed, but it is clearly already doing many things right in terms of jobs and growth for the UK economy."

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Trust the Guardian to manage to put so much anti-Gvt spin on this one :rolleyes:


Cameron is not a Eurosceptic, never has been. Neither is his Gvt or the Coalition, for that matter.


Still...it's not as if a lot of us haven't already said as much (in EU = good, exit EU = bad) on here for a long time, so these reports will make nice linking materials in due course, provided they stand up to scrutiny :)

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single European market, now over 20 years old, is almost like trying to imagine how it was possible to do business before cellphones came along. You can do it, but you struggle to remember just how you did.

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But how much do we pay in to get the single market to work, how much does it cost the EU to administer, and does the economy really benefit or is it just the shareholders?


Now, can we have some details and figures to back this claim up.


"the government announced it is publishing a raft of reports"


Very topical humour.


Here is another take on the benefit of the single market:



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The single market is beneficial to the UK, and we need to be part of it for trade reasons.


However, just because I think we are better of in the EU does not mean I think we should accept the bad things about the EU. Our best option is to stay in and fight for reform of the EU. If we leave the EU we don't be able to do that, but we will still have to abide by single market rules in order to trade with our neighbours.

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The single market is beneficial to the UK, and we need to be part of it for trade reasons.


However, just because I think we are better of in the EU does not mean I think we should accept the bad things about the EU. Our best option is to stay in and fight for reform of the EU. If we leave the EU we don't be able to do that, but we will still have to abide by single market rules in order to trade with our neighbours.


Interesting to see how the Swiss fair after their "send 'em back" referendum. They seemed to be in the a-little-bit-in-a-little-bit-out category. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-26126778

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In a blow to the Eurosceptics,a report by civil servants to the government has found that the EU single market is beneficial to the UK economy.


Another insightful report is due later this year when it is expected civil servants will report they have found that it is rainy in Britain.


Of course a single market is of great benefit. Eurosceptics oppose the federalisation that goes beyond the development of trade agreements.

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