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36 is a cuddly number. Synesthesia?

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Ok, I've always gotten a mixed response on this one...but I've never minded being considered slightly barking, so here goes:D


36 is a cuddly number. 37 is like one of those sponge and brillo pad things - soft one side, sharp the other. 79 is as sharp as a knife.

4 is very friendly. 5 is a bit stand-offish.


I go through the entire numerical world like this, with any number of combinations giving the numbers either a vague personality or a sensory feeling. Maybe it's because I'm not good with numbers (is there such a thing as dysnumeria, lol) so my mind sorts everything into words, feelings and senses.


Does anyone else here do this?

After looking at me like my head had sprouted carrots when I explained it to my partner, he thought about it for a while, and then agreed. And the suggestions he made were very similar to mine, e.g. he agreed that 363 was clean and round and soft (:loopy: I know)


Do numbers have feelings?:P



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Originally posted by cosywolf

Do numbers have feelings?:P


Its a whole typographic thing. Some forms work well together, some do not. It's the same with letters - but you associate them with the meaning of the word they make up rather than the combination of letterforms that you see.


Originally posted by cosywolf

Maybe it's because I'm not good with numbers (is there such a thing as dysnumeria, lol) so my mind sorts everything into words, feelings and senses.Cosy:D


I'm pretty confident that I have a problem with numbers like that. I have to type in long reference numbers at work and always get numbers the wrong way round, and mis-type the codes etc. I find it difficult to deal with numbers. Words are fine, but not numbers.

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What do you think to the number nine-hundred and ninety nine?


If you picture it, it should look nice and round - quite fat - but friendly.


But you see 999 and associate it with emergencies - police, fire, injury, panic etc and it takes on a different meaning. It clouds your judgement of the letterform. Like when you read a word. It's hard to disassociate it from it's meaning, or what it represents.

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Numbers make me squirm. As soon as someone starts quoting them at me, especially if they want sums doing, I literally switch off or break into a cold sweat.


However, I can and do remember hundreds and hundreds of number combinations because of their personalities or properties (clean, soft, mean, etc.), or because they just naturally go with each other. Alternatively, numbers can just not make sense in a particular combination, in which case I cannot remember them, or only remember them because they're so 'wrong', lol.


I'm very interested in seeing if lots of people share the impressions I have of numbers having personality traits/ the properties of solid objects. If you do, post them, and lets see if we agree.


9 is a bit snide

10 is clean and pristine

13 tastes nice


Cosy (waiting for the nice young men in their clean white coats...):rolleyes:

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isn't cuddly, or particularly friendly. I don't tend to associate it with the emergency services, cos I can never remember it:lol: (best not to have an emergency around me). No, I think of three men, thin and frowning, and I'm not keen on that number at all



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I've always thought 999 looked top-heavy and over-bearing... wierd! Never thought of it as a personality!! Does this work even for large numbers, or do you split them up into individual characters?


Maybe we could get you to do Bingo calling, Cosy!!! Watch out Mosh - your job might not be safe! ;)

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I've just spoken to someone else at work who does exactly the same thing. In fact at church she won't read the chapters or psalms if she doesn't like the numbers of them. She really doesn't like the number 7, for instance, and thinks it's mean.

She is also number phobic. Could be a defense mechanism?


Yes, it works for long numbers. It's the sum of all their personalities/ properties that gives them an overall feeling, although I also split them up into their best partners.:D:loopy:


I can be swayed to like combinations I wouldn't normally like. For instance...170373 (my birthdate - no comments on my age, please - I bite) has lots of mean 7s, and 3s aren't always pleasant (except with 6s), but together that number has a very pleasing symmetry that makes it a bit of a Gandalf sort of a creature.


And yes, Agent Dan, those three thin, frowning men are overbearing, lol!



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Originally posted by wibbles

interesting that you mention the number 36..for some reason unknown to me it is always the first number I think of when needing to use or quote a number...wierd!!


i quote 23 - have absolutely no idea why though


Cosy, is 23 a comforting number???

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