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36 is a cuddly number. Synesthesia?

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Originally posted by cosywolf

I can be swayed to like combinations I wouldn't normally like. For instance...170373 (my birthdate - no comments on my age, please - I bite) has lots of mean 7s, and 3s aren't always pleasant (except with 6s), but together that number has a very pleasing symmetry that makes it a bit of a Gandalf sort of a creature.


Ah, not with you then. 170373 is a horrible collection of numbers. Disjointed and staccato and doesnt flow well. The parellel diagonals of the 7s break it up into uneven sections.


030282 is mine, and i much prefer that. It is a nice solid shape.

Although, when placed together, 2, 8 and 2 have a bit of an unpleasant, er... vibe. Slightly manacing.

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i do this really weird thing with words

i equate each letter with a positive or negative vaule - this is determined by if they change their shape when turned into capital letters


i.e shape = 3 positive and 2 negative because the s and p (S P) stay the same while the h (H) a (A) and e (E) change


the more positive the result the happier i am with the word :loopy:

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Bedhead: sorry! Just my opinion;)


Classic Rock: 666 has a sense of fun, and is a clean, soft number


Jackthedog: I can definitely see your point about 170373, it is pretty spiky and awkward, but I think maybe I'm partial to it cos of it's associations to me. If it wasn't my birthdate, I'd probably really dislike it. Also, I can be a bit spiky and awkward, so who am I to complain? It does have lucky connotations to me, tho. The 0 and the 3s soften the harsh 7s and give them a different aspect



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BTW... there is such a thing as dysnumeria although I'm not sure of the exact terminology used...


Just been identified and only really being recognised... The ability to immediately numerically identify and apply certain basis mathematical concepts...


ok... carry on :P

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My friend here says that 666 is some horrible men standing on their heads.

But I think maybe we can't discount the whole christianity thing with her...although the standing on their heads bit...lol...that's about actually looking at the shape of the numbers, too.


Martin s: got any more info? I want to make everyone who ever forced me to do maths to feel really guilty at not seeing my acknowledged disability:D



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This is a quality topic!! I agree with you on the 23 - cold - but if asked for a random number I come up with 423 which would soften the harshness by your account, Cosy! Otherwise I like 312 (which is a running joke with my uni friends), 4, 11 and 25. I think those men in white coats are coming up the stairs now!!!!

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Bedhead's positive/negative thing with letters is odd (like I can speak!). Bedhead, how are you with words? Do you like them, or are they a problem for you? Just trying to see if my defense-mechanism theory works the other way around, for people who like numbers more than words (I'm equating your positive/negative with maths. Is that right, or are thay value judgements, e.g. positive=good, etc?)



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