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36 is a cuddly number. Synesthesia?

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am ok with words - well i have an MA if that means anything - words are my friends and not a defence mechanism!


i don't use the shape of words/letters qualitatively like the way you use the shape or form of numbers to form an opinion


I do however use the numbers in a mathematical way to inform my positve/negative 'qualitative' judgement of the word


there's no ryhme nor reason to why i do this!


what am i going on about, words fail me- ha! :roll:

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I work with numbers too much, to the point where 36 sounds like Im saying "dirty sex" and 46 sounds like "naughty sex" (maybe that says too much about my state of mind :wink: ) favourite number is 1, clean and simple and minimalist altho it does sound like youre saying "wod" when you have a cold, I find number 11 to be decadent to the point of heresy, and because everyone wolf whistles when I say it :rolleyes: I like 5 as well because I remember being taught how to draw it at school

"Round the pond, up the street, and put a hat on its head"


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Oh, I must write 5 backwards...hat on, down the street, and round the pond:)


It's not the shape or form of the numbers with me, that's what makes it a bit odd. For instance, 36 is a round, soft clean number, like a sponge. But 3s aren't so much round as very slightly craven. A little mean. But with a nice number, like 6, they behave themselves quite nicely. 1s are rounded, pleasant numbers...oh dear, now I'm proving just how bad it really is,:rolleyes:



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cosy - give your rundown from 1 to 9 with a description for each!


or you've already mentioned 1, 3 and 6 - wonder what you make of me fav number 7 or it's my lucky number anyhow - if i was to describe it though i'd say it was quite elegant, erm could be construed as a bit mean maybe kinda slim and somehow a bit stuck up looking over the other numbers :loopy:

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1. Friendly and easygoing.

2. smooth. bouncy

3. a little stand-offish except when paired with others, e.g. 6. Spongy

4. A very nice number, shiny

5. A bit pointy, but I quite like it. Sensible

6. very nice. clean. smooth. happy

7. harsh and not very nice. Would be a brillo pad

8. friendly. velvety

9. very good with 3, shiny again


But all these are liable to change, depending on their relationships with other numbers.


Cosy (been out freezing to death on Arbourthorne. Can see snow coming, so be warned, it was sweeping towards us over the moors)

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