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Fed up of non believers

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The earth being round has also been in dispute , its considered spherical by many.


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 12:29 ----------



you seemed to have missed the part about I don't have to validate myself to you or anyone else!!! you have your views I have mine. I wont retort by berating simply because you don't see it my way.


Why do you continue to argue if you don't plan on validating yourself? You're basically admitting that you're existence is pretty pointless at this moment.


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 12:58 ----------


:hihi::hihi: touchy touchy.


Are you a mechanic? Which garage do you work in?

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ditto! bonzo77



why do folks get so infuriated because somebody else has a different view? its like your taking away their "agree with me"supply and they flip... you know who else does that? sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists!!!



yes and im in pitsmoor border of s3/s4 your more than welcome anytime.

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No it doesn't, read the small print before you make stupid comments. an act of god is a term used by insurance companies to identify insurance losses that are out of human control with no liability or blame.



Very rarely used now.


It's either a pure accident (hence why the term Road Traffic Accident found less favour in law), or it's a "natural act". I still see the term act of god quoted in letters, generally from older insurance folk, but generally most avoid that term now, in my experience. Might feature in certain policies, but they don't use it as a term when defending (not to us anyway)

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:hihi::hihi: touchy touchy.



You're avoiding answering a question, what makes you think I'm "touchy" about anything?


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 13:16 ----------


just because there is no evidence to "prove" something exists, does not mean it doesn't exist - absence of proof does not mean absence of existence

Of course it doesn't.

What people should be asking themselves is, what reason do I have for believing in 'X' in the first place?

it isn't for you to disprove something and if you only believe in what you know to be true that is your choice

How would someone know that 'X' is true? For example, a god, or more specifically 'God', how would you know he exists?


but it is not gullible to accept the possibility that there may be more things in this world than you know

Of course it's not being gullible to accept the possibility that there may be such things.

To believe something extraordinary without good reason or evidence (not just the possibility of it) is, quite literally, being gullible though.

Edited by RootsBooster
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why do folks get so infuriated because somebody else has a different view? its like your taking away their "agree with me"supply and they flip... you know who else does that? sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists!!!


When you make claims like, magicians actually perform magic, not illusions, what do you expect?!


If all you said was, I believe in God, I may have questioned why, but I would have accepted your answer.



yes and im in pitsmoor border of s3/s4 your more than welcome anytime.


It's OK, I'll just ask one of Rootsbooster's magic circle friends to come round and use MAGIC to fix the car!

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its only one persons opinion or belief, im not advocating anything illegal. what I believe in is harmless to anyone. I should have that right without being shot down in flames. that's my point.


magic fixes oh... i've done plenty of those!!! lol

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its only one persons opinion or belief, im not advocating anything illegal. what I believe in is harmless to anyone. I should have that right without being shot down in flames. that's my point.


Do you still think Father Christmas is real too?


Even magicians don't believe what they do is magic! :hihi::loopy:


magic fixes oh... i've done plenty of those!!! lol


I'll take my chances with a rational thinking mechanic.

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You cannot prove a negative and its not for those that do not believe to prove anything, its for those who claim GOD is a tangible being to prove this.


Not disputing that, merely pointing out that NEITHER side in that ongoing debate can provide proof of their particular viewpoint.


Therefore, it would seem to me the sensible position would be to accept that as nobody actually knows for certain the jury is out, and we will either find out when we die, or not, as the case may be. :)


In the meantime,in my opinion, the best advice ever given as to how to deal with the existence, or non existence, of God or Gods was that offered by Marcus Aurelius.


He died in 180 AD but no one has ever improved on his view since IMO.

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