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Fed up of non believers

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Like I said before, people believed the earth was flat due to a lack of evidence to the contrary. That doesn't mean they were correct. Once more and more evidence was accrued, people changed their opinions, until it is now the accepted understanding that the earth is round.


Another example is the assertion by the Christian faith that the earth was at the centre of the universe (the geocentric universe theory). This was disproved by and now people believe the science. Religion has had to adapt/refute their early claims.


I put it to you that God (in the form that is given to us by the Abrahamic faiths amongst others) does not exist and my reasoning is there is not one piece of evidence to prove the mere possibility of a deity overlooking us all.


what people believe, and what can be proved are two separate things and, with respect, i think you are confusing the argument


being able to prove that the earth is not flat and is not the centre of the universe is fine, but no-one has proved ghosts do not exist - there is no "evidence to the contrary" either way


i have seen no evidence of any kind of life on any other planet in the universe, but i'm happy to accept the possibility that it might exist and i'm happy to accept that, at some point in the future, when technology develops sufficiently, there may well be proof that life does (or did) exist elsewhere


i don't see the problem with having the same thought process about ghosts - their existence has not been proven, but it doesn't mean they don't exist


i have no interest in the existence or otherwise of God but the argument is the same

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I'm agnostic as to whether mjw47 even knows if he lacks belief in a god or not.


And here come the definition police. What took you so long? I was sure I'd flush you out and hook you with my first mention of agnostic, always worked in the past. :D

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what people believe, and what can be proved are two separate things and, with respect, i think you are confusing the argument


I will accept this point if you can give a a few examples of "things" we have no proof of but believe in.

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I will accept this point if you can give a a few examples of "things" we have no proof of but believe in.


i can't speak for "we", i can only speak for me and i've already given you one example - life elsewhere in the universe


i'm off to the pub now - have a good weekend

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if you believe in the existence of ghosts and the supernatural, even if its the possibility that such phenomena exist. stick to it. don't let others change what you believe in or laugh and mock you into submission. it is people of this ilk that stunt progress ,have no vision and hold people and possibilities back, history tells us that. time and again.

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