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Fed up of non believers

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You are, without doubt, the single most stupid person that I have ever had the pleasure of exchanging posts with.


You are so thick that you actually should qualify for a new word of your own in order to define the thickness which constitutes you.


However, as it was me that started the derailment of this thread by my deliberate use of the magic agnostic word, in order to amuse myself by attracting the same basket cases that I encountered on the previous thread, I am not in a position to complain about the odd weirdo appearing.


If you go back to page 45 post 881 you will see clues, obviously the poster wasn't quite bright enough to join the dots and reach the obvious conclusion ( no surprise there :D ), he still thought I was seeking enlightenment and thought that I would reach a denouement.


All the clues were there.


1,Took part on a previous thread.


2,Told everyone that I had no interest in the answers.


3,Enjoyed winding up nit pickers.


A further clue was provided on this thread by my admission that I deliberately introduced the agnostic word in order to bring in the usual suspects one of whom confirmed my suspicion that they PM each other on this type of thread in order to discuss tactics.


The real clue however, was there staring everyone of you definition experts in the face from the start. You shouldn't have needed the extra prompts.


The clue?


I'm an agnostic. That should have been all you needed to know to get it.


We do not believe, nor disbelieve, either story. We believe no one knows or can ever know.


Therefore, any discussion of the matter is a complete waste of time, no one is going to emerge any the wiser because there is no wisdom there to begin with.


All discussions of a religious nature are pointless, otiose, serving no purpose, without sense, of no worth.


So why have I spent so much time on this thread?


I'll leave you to work it out, the clues are all there, you may do better than the poster at 881 did before he flounced off. :)


Suffice to say I have now become bored in the extreme and must bid you a fond farewell.


Do not distress yourselves because I promise to return in the future when once again I will post on a thread with a religious theme- your first clue - and use the magic word agnostic at which time we shall learn as to whether or not a lesson has been learned.


In the meantime.


Dominus Vobiscum

Ite, missa est


No amount of insult will change the indisputable fact that your beliefs or lack of beliefs fall within the definition of the word atheist, you also fall within the definition of the word agnostic.


This makes you an Agnostic atheist, the only thing that you can do to change this fact, is to become a believer. :)

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I still don't see the logic that allows you to say "I don't believe X exists", but then claim, "ah, but I don't believe that x doesn't exist", the lack of belief in existence is belief in not existence.


No it isn't,

Absence of belief is not the same of belief of absence.


A belief is a conviction, something you are convinced of or have accepted as the truth/is correct. If you don't believe then you aren't convinced, it doesn't mean anything more than that.

It may be that you believe in the opposite, but being without belief does not mean that you DO believe in the opposite.


A plane went missing, someone asked me if I believe it was hijacked, I said "no". This doesn't mean I believe it wasn't hijacked, it just means I haven't been convinced it was hijacked (because there is not substantial evidence to suggest such at this time).




(I've been away a while and have missed much of the thread, are there any important points in the thread I should read up on?)

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No it isn't,

Absence of belief is not the same of belief of absence.


A belief is a conviction, something you are convinced of or have accepted as the truth/is correct. If you don't believe then you aren't convinced, it doesn't mean anything more than that.

It may be that you believe in the opposite, but being without belief does not mean that you DO believe in the opposite.


A plane went missing, someone asked me if I believe it was hijacked, I said "no". This doesn't mean I believe it wasn't hijacked, it just means I haven't been convinced it was hijacked (because there is not substantial evidence to suggest such at this time).




(I've been away a while and have missed much of the thread, are there any important points in the thread I should read up on?)


No, you haven't missed anything of any importance.

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  • 4 months later...

I started this thread as a survey but now it has turned into an arguement


and the person who asked me to define nasty here it is calling other people names is all i meant and if you wanted a definition look in a dictionary

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I started this thread as a survey but now it has turned into an arguement


and the person who asked me to define nasty here it is calling other people names is all i meant and if you wanted a definition look in a dictionary


You bumped a thread which has been dead 5 months to say that?

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  • 4 months later...

There are so many beliefs in life that are respected yet the belief of an afterlife is often mocked, it's highly disrespectful and shouldn't create such split sided opinions.

I believe because it makes life have a purpose, life's so materialistic these days and people are loosing the reason why they are here...

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Did you? I thought you started it so people with the same opinion as you could agree with you.




Quite right JB the OP started a thread on an open forum only for people that agreed with them. Clearly doesn't know SF very well. Also God, easter bunny, father christmas and any other mythical beings all come under the same umbrella as ghosts - ie. non existent.

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