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Fed up of non believers

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There are so many beliefs in life that are respected yet the belief of an afterlife is often mocked, it's highly disrespectful and shouldn't create such split sided opinions.


I respect your right to hold whatever beliefs you want - no matter how ludicrous. But the moment you make those beliefs public, don't expect people to not question and ask you to clarify how you come to those beliefs - or to point out how ludicrous those beliefs may be when your reasoning is poor, irrational or intangible.



I believe because it makes life have a purpose,


How does believing in an afterlife make life have a purpose? And what purpose would you have in your afterlife.


life's so materialistic these days and people are loosing the reason why they are here...


I have a material desk in front of me. I don't see any evidence for a non-material one. I also don't see any tangible evidence for a non-material life.


You seem to know why we are here, so please tell.

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There are so many beliefs in life that are respected yet the belief of an afterlife is often mocked, it's highly disrespectful and shouldn't create such split sided opinions.

These beliefs that are respected, are the irrational and illogical beliefs? Would you mind giving an example of some of these respected beliefs so we can understand what your comparison better?


I believe because it makes life have a purpose, life's so materialistic these days and people are loosing the reason why they are here...

What you've said there is basically that you believe because you want it to be true. Respect is a position of admiration or credibility, do you honestly expect that people will admire or give you credit for having a belief just because you want your life to have some magical meaning other than that which you can give to it yourself?


This doesn't mean that people have to be disrespectful about your belief but if you're going to publish it on the internet, you will most likely only get actual respect from people who share your belief.

Edited by RootsBooster
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I respect your opinion I still have doubts, I've been surrounded by people who believe, If I was to label myself, in which I don't believe in labeling myself I'd say I'm spiritualist, I like to live my life knowing that I have a reason and sense of purpose ...!and life's a long lesson in which we succeed an fail but with a positive outlook you can progress through life. It is entirely personal and I never force it upon anyone, I'd just like to be accepted as a person regardless of what I think will happen after my times up.

I was meaning materialistic in the point that youths today often only see happiness in what they own and not what is surrounding them like love and the actual beauty of our planet.... I think discussions like this are healthy ... We are human after all no one is the same ... It's just enabling us to open our minds to other opinions.

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I respect your opinion I still have doubts, I've been surrounded by people who believe, If I was to label myself, in which I don't believe in labeling myself I'd say I'm spiritualist, I like to live my life knowing that I have a reason and sense of purpose ...!and life's a long lesson in which we succeed an fail but with a positive outlook you can progress through life. It is entirely personal and I never force it upon anyone, I'd just like to be accepted as a person regardless of what I think will happen after my times up.

You say that belief in an afterlife gives your life reason and a sense of purpose, what is that reason/sense of purpose exactly?

I was meaning materialistic in the point that youths today often only see happiness in what they own and not what is surrounding them like love and the actual beauty of our planet.... I think discussions like this are healthy ... We are human after all no one is the same ... It's just enabling us to open our minds to other opinions.

I totally agree that too many people find happiness in materialism (clothes/gadgets/cars/property etc). But how does that play in to your belief about an afterlife?

I fully appreciate life and it's wonders, I have no belief in an afterlife though and I don't see what benefit it would bring me to hold such a belief.

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If I was to label myself, in which I don't believe in labeling myself I'd say I'm spiritualist


OK. If by spiritualist you mean you think you can communicate with the dead, then personally I think that's nonsense. If you mean you are “spiritual”, that you hold some sort of emotional connection to the environment and you appreciate or value its beauty, etc, then I don't see anything wrong with that.


Although I wouldn't use the term spiritual, I too appreciate and value my surroundings – and I don't need any beliefs in an afterlife, a God or the supernatural to do that.


I like to live my life knowing that I have a reason and sense of purpose ...! and life's a long lesson in which we succeed an fail but with a positive outlook you can progress through life.


IMO, that's a very self-centered or selfish & egotistical position to hold. What long “lesson” in life has a two-year-old had who is dying from Ebola, and so on. What did they get out of it? And what makes you so special?


You don't need an afterlife to value and appreciate the life you have – your life should give you plenty of purpose. Maybe that's not enough for some people.


I'd just like to be accepted as a person regardless of what I think will happen after my times up.


That doesn't mean others have to accept your beliefs.


I was meaning materialistic in the point that youths today often only see happiness in what they own and not what is surrounding them like love and the actual beauty of our planet....


And it's always probably been the same: most people value material junk more than their material environment and the life surrounding them. I'm also willing to guess most of those who value material junk also believe in an afterlife.

Edited by Ryedo40
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There are so many beliefs in life that are respected yet the belief of an afterlife is often mocked, it's highly disrespectful and shouldn't create such split sided opinions.

I believe because it makes life have a purpose, life's so materialistic these days and people are loosing the reason why they are here...


There are three women in my employment who visit spiritualist churches and Colin Fry at the City Hall etc. They also happen to be the most materialistic people I have ever known.


This might be just a coincidence of course, but believing in an afterlife is certainly no immunisation from the delusion of materialism in this life.


Then we have people who we are actuallysupposed to believe have some sort of connection with the afterlife, and without exception rather than try to contribute to humanity's knowledge through science they all just turn their 'talents' into some sort of vaudeville act which brings them materialist gains in this life.


I believe this sort of behaviour deserves to be mocked. That's my belief, which anybody is free to respect or disrespect as they see fit.

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