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Fed up of non believers

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if you believe in the existence of ghosts and the supernatural, even if its the possibility that such phenomena exist. stick to it. don't let others change what you believe in or laugh and mock you into submission. it is people of this ilk that stunt progress ,have no vision and hold people and possibilities back, history tells us that. time and again.


Who's trying to change who's mind?? This is called a debate. Where people offer their opinions on a subject. If someone wants to believe in ghosts, so be it. I'm not here to change their minds, they won't change mine.


The only person who is stunting progress is the fool who believes in magic!


---------- Post added 14-02-2014 at 15:07 ----------


but do you need permission to do that.?


Permission to do what?

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some bodys cage is well and truly rattled. fool? takes one to know you bonzo77. who have you come as today?


I enjoy a good debate on here. I have respect for the people I debate/argue with, even the ones who I get along with least. But you don't know the meaning of the word.


You don't engage in anything, you make silly statements, then you come back at people with a flippant response that means nothing! I have zero respect for you.

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you said "no such thing as ghosts" - sounds like you're the one making the claim


just because there is no evidence to "prove" something exists, does not mean it doesn't exist - absence of proof does not mean absence of existence


it isn't for you to disprove something and if you only believe in what you know to be true that is your choice


but it is not gullible to accept the possibility that there may be more things in this world than you know


People claim ghosts exist. It is for them to provide the evidence. Just the same as if I want you to believe in my little man at the bottom of the garden, it's up to me to prove it if you don't believe me. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim for something intangible.


I fully accept that there are things and possibilities in the world and universe which we don't understand, and may never understand. But why do people, with not a shred of credible evidence, attribute some phenomenon to ghosts or gods?


Why not something else, for which there is an equally weighty body of evidence for? ie non at all?

Edited by perplexed
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if you believe in the existence of ghosts and the supernatural, even if its the possibility that such phenomena exist. stick to it. don't let others change what you believe in or laugh and mock you into submission. it is people of this ilk that stunt progress ,have no vision and hold people and possibilities back, history tells us that. time and again.


That's just stupid, and closed minded.


If you believe something, and someone else comes along and gives you a good reason not to believe it, then stop believing it. Same goes for the other way.

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